The Widdershins

Archive for January 2021

It’s amazing. #MoscowMitch McConnell is no longer the Senate Majority Leader. Nothing he does can change that. Yet instead of lying low and playing nice after the horrendous nightmare of 1/6, he has done everything he possibly can to try to bully, threaten and render powerless the incoming Democratic leadership.

It hasn’t worked. In fact, he had to cave on his “filibuster” of the organizing resolution this week, as he saw that Majority Leader Schumer was not going to negotiate. Period.

But somehow, McConnell is still seen as a force to be reckoned with. The Grim Reaper. The scary guy who always wins no matter what. In fact, the press scrambled to declare victory for Mitch despite his obvious fold. He got a commitment from Sinema and Manchin! they stated. He still won!

And Mitch gladly continued their spin.

McConnell warned Tuesday, as he has for months, that getting rid of the filibuster would fundamentally change the way the Senate operates for years to come.

“If the Democratic majority were to attack the filibuster, they would guarantee themselves immediate chaos,” he said. “If this majority went scorched-earth, this body would grind to a halt like we’ve never seen.”

Oh, would it grind to more of a halt than it was in the past 4 years? Is it possible for less than zero good to be done for the country? Because if it is, McConnell just threatened to make it so, Number One.

Now it’s very clear from what Chuck Schumer said that the Democrats have not taken, and will not take, the nuke of the filibuster off the table. But more than that, he said that the filibuster isn’t the point. There are many other ways for Democrats to get things done, and Mitch will not be permitted to dictate the way things go in the Senate from now on.

So what’s going on? Why are journalists ignoring what Democrats are saying and doing right in front of their eyes, and allowing McTurtle to drive the narrative?

I call it the McConnell Myth.

According to the McConnell Myth, he’s always in charge. He’s got things up his sleeve, does Mitch. He’s a master of manipulation, one of the most consequential Majority Leaders in the history of the Senate. He’s always ten steps ahead!

But there’s another point of view on McConnell. He seems to have a complete inability to “read the room,” making it very clear that Republicans have no moral compass, no care for the well-being of the American people and no desire to do the work for which they were elected. He proudly killed 400 bills originated in the Democratic House of Representatives, showed rank hypocrisy and a complete lack of sensitivity when pushing through the horrifyingly unqualified Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, and after his Party perpetrated sedition and lost the Presidency, the House and the Senate (in no small part due to his hyper-partisan approach), was his first move to try to distance himself from Drumpf and the Nazis who follow him?

Why, no. His first move was to try to pretend he was still in charge, and it failed spectacularly. And his second move? Voting along with 44 of his closest Republican Senator friends to say that the current impeachment of Drumpf was unconstitutional, because Drumpf is no longer in office (praise the Goddess!). Why is the trial happening now instead of when Drumpf was in office? Because McConnell wouldn’t let it happen. And is there any chance Americans won’t remember that? No, there isn’t – because it was less than three weeks ago!

Speaking of us Murkins – how is all this playing across America? Well, as we know the Rethugs lost power across the board in 2020, so that’s not a vote of confidence by any means. But their personal nightmare is just beginning, as Americans continue to reject them and their agenda.

Wouldn’t a smart, strategic former Majority Leader understand that his best chance to try to reclaim his tattered reputation is to kick the Mango Moron to the curb?

Mitch McConnell is not smart. He is not strategic. He is just amoral and willing to do anything to retain power. And now, inevitably, he has none.

Take the discussion where you’d like!

Happy Weekend Widdershins!

So have you noticed that since Twitter dumped Dump – how quiet it has been? Holy moly. You just know that if he still had access to twitter he’d be creating a new scandal every day. But…notice the silence. It’s amazing!

So how are people adjusting to our new world? Are people getting more sleep? Do you still check the news first thing in the morning? Do you still shudder when someone says “President…” before you realize they’re talking about Biden? Junior still tries to stir up trouble, but mostly everyone seems to have moved on. Well, at least until the trial in the Senate starts. Won’t that be interesting!

No musical themes today – just try to post anything!

I recently re-discovered this Madonna (!!) live performance of “Like a Virgin” from her “Rebel Heart Tour.” This is one of my favorite versions of the song, stripped down to largely just the bass line. What’s interesting about this upload is it’s fan-made video, but somehow they got audio of the feed Madonna gets in her earpiece as she performs. There’s the audio director giving her music cues and prompting words. It’s fascinating.

This is an open thread.

Dear Donald…

Love and light to all of us today, Widdershins. Let us hope that we make it through whatever evil has been planned or conceived to be wrought upon this occasion of pure joy and hope.

Because it should be nothing but joy and hope. It should be an occasion we are all unequivocally celebrating. We should all be drunk on champagne at noon ET. But we can’t let out our collective breaths till we know our President, Madam Vice President Kamala, and new Senators Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock and Alex Padilla are sworn in.

Please, Goddess, please let the inauguration happen without another horror being perpetrated. Please. I don’t think we can take any more.

Open thread of course.

Happy Weekend Widdershins!

We are just a few days away from tossing the orange turd out of our lives. Well, he’s going to try to everything he can to insert himself into our daily lives. And frankly, if law enforcement and prosecutors do their jobs we are going to be finding out a lot of crap. 2021 is going to be just about as exciting as 2020 was. But at least we are going to have some very competent people running the government again. Biden says he wants up to 100 million people vaccinated by Spring… His people have already reached out to companies that can produce the vaccines at an accelerated rate. So let’s hope this happens. In the meantime – how do we send the Orange Turd and his Cabal off? I say we do it in style? What are some of your favorite “Bye!” and “Get Out!” songs? Or any other songs you want to share with the group.

So many times over the past four years of hell and trauma, we wondered: What would it take for Republicans to abandon the Mango Moron?

As things went from bad to worse, many of us thought, this time they’ve got to turn away. This time they’ve got to denounce him. But nothing moved them. Kids in cages, separated unlawfully from their parents? No problem. Grabbing pussies? No problem. Removing access to health care from tens of millions of people? No problem. Obvious and frequent collusion with Russia? No problem. Foreign election interference and a suspiciously fortuitous and narrow election win? No problem. Nepotism, corruption and grift on a scale never seen before? No problem. Deporting DACA kids who will die if they lose access to America’s health care? No problem. Surrounding yourself with traitors and spies? No problem. Abandoning the Kurds to die and forcing Ukraine into a terrible bargain with Russia? No problem. Standing by while the Democrats impeached him for high crimes and misdemeanors? No problem. Letting coronavirus run rampant over our country and kill over 350,000 Americans? No problem. And finally, lying for two straight months about the election that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won in a landslide? Not only was that not a problem – hundreds of elected Republicans eagerly signed on to claims they clearly didn’t believe at all. Because above all, there was Dear Leader – and he must always, always be defended and obeyed.

Until now.

It took a Presidential loss, the loss of the Senate, and a clear and obvious attempt TO KILL THEM (trust me, they don’t care about the whole coup/insurrection thing) to dislodge their noses from Drumpf’s giant asshole. And even now, some are still committed to sinking with the Trumptanic. I don’t know what motivates Republicans, and to some extent, I really don’t care. All I know is that finally, gloriously, Republicans are in disarray. They’re suffering an existential crisis of monstrous proportions, and it couldn’t happen to a more deplorable bunch of seditionists and traitors.

Some Republicans may think they can wash the stain of the worst President ever (the first to be impeached twice) off their hands by voting to impeach. Oh hell no. Their enablement of this deranged psychopath is, and forever will be, unforgivable. And honestly, I think some are still in denial. They think we’re all just going to move on and forgive and forget.

We will not.

Because it turns out, even though Kamala didn’t become our President, she had the right slogan for these times.

Justice was on the ballot. And now, she’s on her way.

Open thread as always.

Biden illustration: REBUILD WITH BIDEN

Nice picture of our gal

Madam Vice President

Our President


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January 2021

Not done yet with you

Friggin Lizard people

You go gurl! h/t Adam Joseph

“The” Book

Only the *best* politicans bought by the NRA

Marching for their lives

Need Reminders?

IOW Dumb = Happy?

Dems are coming for ya