The Widdershins

Archive for May 26th, 2012

It’s Saturday and my turn at bat and I have to admit I am about dried out.

Not that there isn’t enough going on to write about, but a feeling of ennui has moved in as I breeze around the blogosphere in search of a topic  of interest that would charge up my sparkplugs.

We are currently engaged in another presidential election that has become a notable snoozefest overall.  With so much at stake you would think we would have a better selection to choose from but you would be wrong.

The Left is running a guy who has somehow managed to lose a lot of luster from what he displayed only 4 short years ago while the Right is running a guy who is essentially pitifully pathetic.

Romney is running on a campaign of lies and evasions that should certainly alert the electorate to the fact that they have no idea in hell just what this man represents.  None.

He manages to shade, twist, and deny whatever he says from one day to the next.  He stands for nothing, confident that there is enough hatred of his opponent out there that will assure him a victory based on lies, lies, lies.  To even hint at his qualifications to lead under these circumstances is beyond troubling.
On the other hand his opponent has shown little if any resolve to defend the public against the whiplash of the GOP strokes that threaten to dismantle what we have come to admire as the American Dream.

Women are first up in their playback to be used as political pawns with each side willing to roll back the gains and the rights they have achieved.   Both embrace the “money men” who make their individual runs possible.  Neither one actually gives a damn about the little guy just trying to get by and survive.

Some of us observed that with Obama there were deep questions surrounding his inexperience following the mess that was left by the Bush Administration for the next successor. The thirst for accountability was set aside by his eagerness to “turn the page” on one of the most secretive yet dangerous administrations to ever hold office.  Wrong move.

As a consequence most of those jackasses went undisturbed, allowing Romney to declare  the “wisdom” of Dick Cheney as his mentoring source.  Cheney, and those who served him, should have experienced the backlash in the exposure of thecrimes they committed in our name but instead are now treated like valuable “elder statesmen” instead of the lying rats they most certainly are.

It is demoralizing that I am unable to place any trust in the current POTUS but even more disheartening to watch a man so devoid of honor, interest, empathy, and integrity rise to the occasion as the nominee of a party that is replete in its hatred toward their fellow man.   Mitt Romney?   Seriously?

One of these men will attain their goal in November.  Neither of these men is worthy.

This admission alone is taking its toll since there is not a damned thing we can do about it.  It is what it is. 

Sadness all around.

Biden illustration: REBUILD WITH BIDEN

Nice picture of our gal

Madam Vice President

Our President


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