The Widdershins

Activist Wednesday: Austerity, The Final Solution

Posted on: July 13, 2011

So, I come back from vacation, and what do I find on the political front? Barack Obama, who refused to take Social Security benefit cuts and raising the retirement age off the table during his campaign in 2008, is now “shocking” “progressives” by…proposing Social Security benefit cuts and raising the retirement age to 67. Here, idiots, you had it from the Elephant’s mouth on Snuffleupagous’ show three freaking years ago. Look, moving pictures! That should attract your attention for about 45 seconds.

I’m sure the fact that the proposal to raise the retirement age came from Obama’s mentor, Senator Joe “Party of One” Lieberman, also went right by the morons at

News just broke that President Obama is offering to cut Social Security as part of the debt deal they’re working out in Washington right now.1 And reports say he’s stopped pushing to eliminate the Bush tax cuts for millionaires in these negotiations.2

If both these things are true, it’s an absolute outrage. When asked, 75% of MoveOn members said that if a deal like this were to go through, they’d be less likely to donate to or volunteer for President Obama’s re-election campaign (emphasis mine).

“Less likely to donate to or volunteer?” Whooooo-eeee. I’ll bet ol’ Barack is shaking in his handmade Italian leather! Because first of all, now that corporations can spend as much money as they want to on re-electing Obama, he doesn’t need no stinkin’ donations or volunteering from “progressives.” Second of all, according to these “activists,” here is the “Facebook Status Obama needs to see today.”

 “If Barack Obama cuts Social Security to pay for the Bush tax cuts for millionaires, I won’t ever give his campaign another dime. Repost and reshare this image if you agree.”

Oh, LO Freaking L. Did you notice what is missing from’s wimpy little statement? A pledge NOT TO VOTE FOR HIM. Ya know, if 75% of 5 million “progressives” who belong to actually pledged NOT TO VOTE FOR OBAMA, I’ll bet the Prez might actually be forced to pay attention. (I would write “if they pledged to vote third-party” or “if they pledged to protest outside the White House until Congress starts creating some f*cking jobs and stops trying to kill us all with Austerity,” but this is Those steps are far too radical for these whingers.) As it is, I’m sure Senor “Fuck You, I’ve Got Mine” is planning to raise more than enough money from Big Oil, Big Gas, Big Corn, Big Health Insurance and Big Pharma to pay desperately broke and unemployed Americans minimum wage to hand out his flyers and make his recruiting calls, thank you very much.

So no, “progressives.” You still haven’t grasped that 2012 is NOT ABOUT YOU and your stupid $25. Great Goddess in the Earth and Sea, what will it take?

These “activists” still don’t have a clue. Yes, there used to be two main Parties in America, but the current occupants of Congress and the White House do not belong to either one. Betty Ford, the proud Republican First Lady who supported both the ERA and full reproductive freedom for women (Goddess rest her, a great lady), would know that Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are another species entirely. And LBJ would scoff at the idea that Obama is a Democrat. Our current politicos put on the mantles of the old Democrats and Republicans, to disguise their bland insanity with forms we think we recognize; but the truth is, these creatures have no allegiance except to the god of Austerity, a god which propels them to effortless heights of cruelty in pursuit of more, more and more again.

We, human beings of the world, are in the midst of a global crisis, an invasion by Austerians – soulless freaks who appear remarkably humanoid, except for the vacant and hypnotic glitter in their eyes. Obama is only important, in a larger sense, because he is one of them, and is helping them bring Austerity to America. These are desperate times; we are in the midst of World War III, and it’s the Austerians versus the real humans, who have to worry about mundane things like food, work, shelter, health care, and social safety nets. Bah, humbug! cry the Austerians. Slash spending by cutting taxes on the wealthy! Balance the budget by creating unemployment! Faster, Pussycat! Kill, Kill!

Austerians are the new Nazis, and they are proposing a post-feminist, post-modern, and post-partisan Final Solution.

We know that many figures on the Right, decaying monsters from the Nixon era, professed open admiration for the Nazis. Donald Rumsfeld’s “Shock and Awe,” for example, was modeled on the technique called “Blitzkrieg” by Hitler. Karl Rove embraced the propaganda tactics of Joseph Goebbels. We also know that they, along with wealthy sympathizers like Richard Mellon Scaife, Dick Armey and Rupert Murdoch, established centers of propaganda laughably called “think tanks” to preach the gospel of sociopathy, of caring nothing for anyone but yourself, of freeing society from the constraints of morality and allowing greed and hatred to flourish under the focus-group-friendly words of “freedom” and “liberty.” Never mind that a manicurist in Aruba is freer than a middle-class person in America – because she is automatically entitled to a month’s vacation, and is not dependent on a job for her health care. She is valued because she is human. The Austerians, not being human, only value those who are wealthy enough to buy membership into their group.

What “activists” like the “progressives” at fail to understand, to our paralysis as a nation, is that the Austerians have infected the Left as well, taking it over with smooth promises of social progress (look! the first Black President!) and peace (look! Obama withdrew troops from Iraq!) and protecting our New Deal, but once in office, being the softer side of Austerity. With a shrug of their shoulders and exhortations to “be adults” and “eat our peas,” these faux populists sway the public into a sense of hopeless acceptance, maundering on and on about the deficit no one cares about, while refusing to address the endless wars, insanely low tax rates and imposed joblessness which caused it. If that fails, they just shout, “Booga booga! Michele Bachmann!” And the “activists” fall for it every single time.

I am not here to tell anyone how to vote. I am not here to blame people for considering voting for Obama. Hell, I’ve thought about it a time or two myself. What I am here to do is to scream, for the thousandth time, “WAKE THE FUCK UP!” to those pathetic remnants of the activist Left which still remain, of which Moveon.Org is one. Because if they don’t get a clue, and soon, those empty-eyed proponents of mass murder will win, and the new Holocaust will begin; an improved and more complete vision which includes victims of all religions, genders, ages and races; but most especially women, the poor, the elderly and children.

This is an open thread. (I promise a Widdershins Lounge, with Aruba pictures, on Friday night.)

47 Responses to "Activist Wednesday: Austerity, The Final Solution"

Here is some shock and awe for you:

President Obama smashes record with $86M haul – Glenn Thrush –

President Barack Obama has shattered first quarter fundraising records for a White House incumbent by raising $86 million for the first quarter – dwarfing the 2012 GOP field’s total take and breezing past his own target of $60 million.

The shock-and-awe showing was announced by Obama 2012 Campaign Manager Jim Messina, wearing his signature blue dress shirt sans tie, in a web video blasted to supporters in the pre-dawn hours on Wednesday, two days before the 15,000-page combined Obama for America and Democratic National Committee report is due to go up on a government web site.

@1 ~ it would take a lot of $25 donations to match that! Wonder what MoveOn will take away from it….will they start to figure out he doesn’t need their money?

I doubt MoveOn will get that, MB! They move at the pace of a slug. I keep coming back to this:

Damn it, that doesn’t stream. Hopefully this does.

Damn it, that didn’t stream either! You’ll have to watch it on youtube.

There’s also this:

@2: 344 million or so.

LOL DYB! Extremely apt indeed.

@6 ~ Good…the way Obama’s going, he’ll have that in September. More than enough time before the election! 😉

Isn’t there one brave liberal out there who could step forward and primary his useless ass?

Rumor has it that most congressional Dems truly despise him as he continues to put their careers in jeopardy. No matter how much they beg him to stand firm he ignores them.

I would love to see Gillibrand or Bernie Sanders step to the plate but I know it is never going to happen. Meanwhile we are “stuck in the mud” with this useless man with an alternative that appears even nastier.

Woe to us.

@8 – I am pretty sure Gillibrand will run in 2016. She is hitting all the marks. But unfortunately, people who should know better are still standing behind him as the face of the Party.

I do think that many in Congress, especially the House, have not yet turned into Pod People and can’t stand Obi “WTF” Kenobi. Right now the Austerians are still prevailing, however.

I also have to say that if we stay on our present course, I think 2016 is too late. I don’t think we will survive four more years of Austerity. Something has to change.

Obama has been in the national spotlight for over 3 years and I still don’t know who he is.

He is none of the things the GOP has accused him of being: a rank Socialist, a secret Musim, a racist, or liberal.

The man has no depth, no passion, no principles he seems willing to fight for, no ideology, no core values, nothing except his own aggrandizement that was heaped upon him by a hero worshipping MSM. And even at that he did not actually seek that worship out but merely stood back and accepted those false tributes without working very hard to achieve them.

Who is he really? I have no idea. Just a blip on the radar in history for managing to achieve an “historic win” by breaking the color barrier of race. Beyond that he has only illlustrated a willingness to “play nice” with those bent on his destruction by offering to “give away the house” along the way.

He most definitely is that “empty canvas” he himself alluded to since we are free to paint him in any way we see fit. The problem is more that his character is so ill formed that it is difficult to find one area that suits the overall picture.

“Taking the easy way out” may be as close to identifying him as anything else put forth. “Loser” more closely resembles my own definition since we should be expecting more by way of “leadership” than a man who prefers to be “referee”.

“So no, “progressives.” You still haven’t grasped that 2012 is NOT ABOUT YOU and your stupid $25.” But, but, Obama’s last campaign was funded by all those $25 donations! Hahaha!

Welcome back, Madamab! Glad you had a restful vacay.

Pat, I think Obama’s only allegiance is to the top 1%. His defining characteristic is his feeling that he deserves the most and best of everything, no matter the cost to anyone else. That is all you need to know about him, IMHO. There is nothing else to him.

On FB someone shared that Obama continues to talk about being fine with one term. Is he quitting before he begins his run?

Thanks, Jules! I promise a fun Lounge on Friday if you’re around. Caribbean theme!

Actually, I believe Oblowme is the ultimate racist: he hates the human race. The people he caters to are subhuman sociopaths (aka corporation-persons and the other 1%ers). He’s an f-ing disgrace. Get some toilet paper and wipe his ass off the table.

Bravo Madam!!!!!!!!!

And… you so eloquently stated above……


I fear this is where we are headed Madam:

Grrrr……What happened to my video??? LOL

I give up. 😦

@15 – Yes, I agree – Austerians do despise real humans. We have something they don’t: empathy. They are jealous of that quality, and want us all dead so that we’ll stop reminding them of the black, empty hole where their souls should be.

I truly believe that is the core of the problem with Obama and his Austerian cadre all over the globe. They don’t have any sense of belonging anywhere because they have no idea what it’s like to empathize with anyone. These leads them to fail to establish connections with anyone, or real friendships. Why else have none of Obama’s friends from his pre-Illinois Senate life come forward? Who ever heard of a future President who couldn’t even muster up a high school friend to show off on Larry King?

Yes, in my mind, we are all being killed with Austerity because Obama and his fellow sociopaths are lonely. The banality of evil, indeed.

@16 – Red, that is the song I should have used! Well-done!

If corporations are humans (according to the Supremes) then why don’t they pay taxes just like a human would.

I keep seeing statements like — if the corporations and uber rich pay their fair share of taxes — debt problems will be solved.

Also — deliberate job creation — get things done that really need doing. In my area the “stimulus” was spent on show — but no money on infrastructure. Port Townsend put in “traffic circles” all over the place with their stimulus money.

I may sound like a broken record — but SHOCK DOCTRINE — is the book to read to understand what is happening. In other countries where this Chicago School of Economics preached the gospel of “Free market” — what that really means is kill off the middle class. And in many cases at least in South American countries the middle class was killed off. In South Korea there were murder suicides — as middle class families did the middle class elimination on their own. Unions are the heavy target of the Chicago School of Economics. We also know that the real economists have been dismissed by 0bowma — and he is getting his marching orders from his puppet masters. His puppet masters are the ones paying for his re-election campaign — the usual suspects listed in the most excellent essay above.

0bowma and by extension — the democrats cannot be trusted by we the people. Message to the 30 something and 40 something crowd — you guys thought that you would retire someday. FORGET ABOUT IT.

And another thing — these wars of choice — stop the damn wars and that would save a whole heck of a lot of money. You stupid jerk politicians — both dumb ass parties.

Agreed, northwest. The Shock Doctrine = economic” shock and awe” (blitzkrieg).

Saying you’re going to address the deficit while continuing to allow the causes of the deficit (like the wars and tax cuts for the wealthy) is like giving a patient dying of throat cancer Chloraseptic. The symptom may go away for a tiny moment, but the life and death issue still remains.

@23 — from the link — The “Antoinette class” — gosh gee they can’t get by on $500,000 a year.

Meanwhile “middle America” wants to go after Public employees who have pensions with pitch fork — at the same time — middle American seems to want to protect the upper 1% from paying taxes. Where is the common sense, where is the cognitive dissonance?

Matt Taibbi seems to be on a roll.

Some of what Cantor discussed doing to screw over the little people. I loved the thing about the student loans. I wonder if he realizes that college loans are one way that people try to educate themselves to turn them into tax-paying, useful citizens?

Northwest@25: I wish some Democrat would say to the rethugs: You can’t get it all from budget cuts. But you are against any tax increases. You (rethugs) say tax increases will hurt job creation. You’ve had the Bush tax cuts for 6-8-10 years. Where are the jobs that should have been created from these cuts?

@23 – Excellent piece by Taibbi…I thought he nailed this part:

If you think your local Andy Griffith is a greedy pig because he retired in his forties and built an addition to his garage with your tax money, try hanging out with a guy who eats $400 crabs, throws himself $5 million parties where he is serenaded by Rod Stewart and Patti Labelle (who sang “Happy Birthday”), and then compares the president to Hitler when word leaks out that he might have to pay taxes at the same rate as a firefighter or a kindergarten teacher.

That’s what I’m talking about! That is a REAL rich person.

I hate to say it but the American dream can now only be achieved, in certain areas, by people making $250,000/year or more. That is why some people in that price range think they are “middle class.”

What I mean by this is that if you want to live anywhere near Manhattan, or San Francisco, where a lot of the jobs are, you will be paying $650,000 for a house much less spacious and modern than you could get in North Carolina for $225,000. So, the East/West Coast wealthy do not think they are wealthy because all they have is a nice house, money for vacations and retirement, and kids in college. The American dream.

Are they right? Only in a geographical sense. Let them go to Detroit and see what REAL poverty looks like.

Off to read Sirota’s article.

Oh My Freaking Goddess! From Sirota’s article – Slides #9: Receipt Dropping:

Then, hedge fund manager David Tepper left a receipt lying around the Hamptons showing a $99 million balance in his petty-cash ATM savings account.


@29 — The 1% know exactly what they are doing — and they know that their puppets (like 0bowma) will cover their asses ah assets.

@28 — could it be that very few people travel — I mean really travel the back roads and SEE the poverty in the US???

I have Canadian friends who have done just that — they have gone to the Southern US and really looked at the way people exist. Eyes open these young generation from Canada. I also keep my eyes open as I travel the US by car — I don’t fly over the vast land mass.

0bowma has no knowledge of the whole Nation — no empathy. He’s another bubble boy — just like Bush Jr.

mb@28: Yes I think that’s a given that costs of living in certain areas have to be considered. For example, when I went out to visit some friends in San Diego I fell in love with the place. I was at VA then and they had a regional office in San Diego. The feds do pay a cola for higher cost areas. I checked what it would be for S.D. and even with that I would not have even come out even if I had tried to relocate there.

Okay DYB….Either I had a senior moment here and all of a sudden forgot how to embed a video or…..the way to do it has changed.

How did you get yours on the page. I did all the usual’s and nothing…Help!!!!!


Red: You should be able to just copy the address of the vid from the address bar in the browser and then paste it in here. Isn’t that the same either with PC or Mac?

You would think that Fred but for some reason it is only showing the link and not the video. I tried it on a few other sites i visit and all three outcomes were the same so either it’s me or my ‘puter is acting up.

I’ll figure it out. LOL

here is my post MoveOn.Com:

“If Barack Obama cuts Social Security to pay for the Bush tax cuts for millionaires, I won’t ever give his campaign or any other Democrat my vote. I will not let the party off the hook for this. Its your choice Pelosi and Reid!!! I hope 36 million Democrats Join me its the only way we will ever get our Party Back!!!”

red the video has to be playing to inbed on the thread while you are cutting and pasting try that!!!

my newest post on Facebook:

Thanks to Supreme Court decision in the “Citizens United” case Mr Obama doesn’t need our money or volunteer hours (collecting $ 86 million in one quarter for his re-election). Sadly, he still needs our votes to get elected. We cannot convince him or the party to change direction with Empty threats to withhold volunteer hours or money (they don’t need our dollars). We must withhold our votes!!! It’s all we got left!

Great stuff, Fuzzy. You tell ’em!

Red, I think you are having the same problem Chat had with youtube. The link you copy comes out with a” .” In the middle of the word” youtube.”

Ex: yo.utube

What I’d do is, after you paste the link into the comment box, delete that dot before you post the comment. See if that works!

Northwest- the thing to do when I graduated high school was to join the Peace Corps.I almost did so myself. Naively, we thought we had to go to other countries to see poor people and desperatte conditions.

Welcome home, MB. In all the ways it applies. So glad to have you home here. I need to catch up on the thread and post. My life is hectic right now. But miss you all.

Missed you too, LTD! Glad to see your big green light. In all the ways that applies.

My cousin got her bachelor degree from UoMI and THEN went into the Peace Corps….not to see poverty, but to get a job.

@40 That was more or less what the grown kids of my Canadian friend was saying — one girl had been to poor places with a whole lot of traveling. THEN she went to the Southern US — and saw even more poverty then she saw overseas.

I’ve seen poverty in the Caribbean — but it wasn’t any worse than the Southern (and big City) poverty in the South.

Yep Peace Corps — work with the poor who probably don’t even have peas — or if they do they grown their own. I expect that a lot of people will be growing gardens.

What to take bets that 0bowma wants to use the rage of the retired folks to contact their congress critters? Dem or Rep — it doesn’t really matter at this point. There is a game going on — and Chicago plays dirty — which means that the GOP will also play just as dirty. This is all a game — sponsored by the top 1%.

The poverty in the Bahamas (Paradise Island) was what turned me off to going there. I felt like an evil conquering white person who was taking up all their resources.

On Aruba, there is a lot more money and a much better lifestyle for most of the people. There are so few people and there is so much tourism…plus they are sort of a commonwealth of Holland, so they benefit from the more Socialist governmental policies introduced by Hollland. Also, there is a lot more racial mixing than there is in the Northeast, anyway. Arawak Indians, Spanish people, South Americans, Dutch, they all hang out together – you will sometimes see many different races in one family. Made me realize how separated the races still are in America.

Madamab, glad you had a wonderful time. You certainly have come back both barrels blasting.
“Naively, we thought we had to go to other countries to see poor people and desperatte conditions.”
Thank you for that thought. One of the issues I have with government here is the massive amounts of aid sent overseas to prop up corrupt governments, when we have so much poverty and deprivation right here – and they are doing nothing to alleviate that. And it’s not just the homeless on the street of every metropolitan area, it’s the first nations’ reserves where they don’t have decent housing or clean water for cripes sake. It’s a disgrace.

I’m back!

Red> All I do is just copy the link directly from the browser address bar – and paste it. No codes necessary. It’s not the “embed” code that youtube provides; that doesn’t work. It has to be just the regular url address posted here without any codes.

MB, there was a photo of that receipt with the $99 million balance. I saw it on the webz.

And yes, MB is right that to be considered middle class in Manhattan you have to be making at least $250,000. I’m nowhere near that. Which is why I’ll never be able to buy an apartment in Manhattan (where I work.) Instead, if I ever manage to save enough for a downpayment, I’ll buy an apartment in Brooklyn or Queens and commute on a crowded subway for one hour each way. Blech.

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