The Widdershins

Feminist Friday: Progressives….Still Stupid (And Sexist) After All These Years

Posted on: January 6, 2012

It’s a miracle, Widdershins! I didn’t know that IQs below zero were possible, but it appears that the progressive appetite for firsts remains un-sated. Amazingly, some are now arguing that we should elect Ron Paul in 2012. Iowa Obamatrons “strategically” caucused for Paul on Tuesday evening, and the candidate himself brags that his supporters are mostly under 30. For a concrete example, take a look at website for “progressives” dedicated to the self-professed libertarian who doesn’t believe in personal liberty for wimminz!

This blog, written by a progressive who still hopes for change, seeks to persuade readers that the progressive agenda has been put on hold until 2016 except that by electing Ron Paul in 2012, we end endless wars and bring troops home to eventually have resources to build the peaceful green economy.

Uh, whaaaaaa? I’m all for ending the wars (yes, yes, 1000 times yes), but resources to “build the peaceful green economy” don’t need to be provided by our troops. Unfortunately, we have tens of millions of unemployed Americans who could be building said economy right now, if only our august public servants would channel FDR instead of  J. Pierpont Morgan. Sadly, what is lacking is not resources but political will, and that doesn’t exist within our current Democratic or Republican Parties. In case these marginally informed “progressives” have forgotten, Ron Paul is a member of the Republican Party – and one so right-wing that he thinks dismantling the federal government is the only way to save it. What a brilliant ally for the cause!

Poor Bob Cesca of HuffyPoo…he really tried to talk reason to these idiots. Hasn’t he realized by now that they excel at only two things: supporting the wrong candidates with a white-hot, implacable passion, and putting their hands over their ears and yelling “LA LA LA LA LA!” when someone starts denting their delusions?

Paul’s libertarianism is manifested in his desire to essentially subvert the functionality of the federal government. He wants to eliminate many cabinet level departments including the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Internal Revenue Service.

This alone should be a deal breaker for progressives. But there are many, many more.


 In the domestic arena, all of his talk about personal liberty comes to an abrupt halt on the issue of abortion. Paul is staunchly pro-life and supports the criminalization of abortion — calling for the arrest of abortion doctors, presumably for murder.

Paul is quoted on his website: “There has to be a criminal penalty for the person that’s committing that crime. And I think that is the abortionist.”

For a self-proclaimed constitutionalist, Paul obviously doesn’t support privacy rights as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. And Paul would leave abortion laws and penalties up to the states. We all know how fair state-level crime and punishment can be, especially in death penalty states. Paraphrasing Barney Frank, Ron Paul wants to shrink government small enough to fit into your uterus. And this business of painting all doctors who perform legal and constitutionally-protected abortions as murderers and baby killers unintentionally serves to motivate militant wackaloons like Shelley Shannon and Scott Roeder.

Silly Bob! You must realize that, to quote Ronald Raygun, “Facts are stupid things.” And they certainly don’t convince “progressives” in the throes of  a big, exciting dream of dominance based on zero evidence or reality! The blogger responds to Bob Cesca on the front page of his site:

However, I also weary of the same tired arguments against his candidacy and progressive support for it. We all know that Ron Paul is not a progressive. We all know that he was at least guilty of extreme negligence in allowing racist articles to appear in his newsletters under his name. He may even harbor in his heart a variety of bigoted sentiments that imo most Americans struggle (or at least ought) to overcome. We all know that if he got his way on his entire platform, there would be disastrous consequences for our country.

What you and other progressives against Paul do not seem to be able to take into account is how our political system, like it or not, actually works. No president, once elected, gets all he (or one day hopefully she) campaigned on. Every president gravitates towards some contextual middle ground once in office. The same would be true in a Paul presidency.

His argument, which goes on for eons, appears to be that if progressives helped Paul get elected, he would owe them as part of the constituency that gave him the Presidency. Or something like that. There’s some stuff about Paul being the nominee, but then progressives would still get to vote for Obama. Frankly, I zoned out after about 30,000 words.

If I were a young dumbass who had no clue what a total ideological lunatic Ron Paul was, I supposed I might find this type of wishful thinking convincing. There’s just one eensy little problem. Somehow, 51% of Americans got left out of the argument! I looked and looked and looked, and failed to see one reason why this guy thinks that Paul would ever renege on his position favoring the overturn of Roe v. Wade and the criminalization of abortion. That’s because none would exist. Lost in the barrage of “progressive” initiatives that demi-gods like Kucinich and Frank would surely introduce if  the Age of Paul Progressives descended up on us, was any mention of the Freedom of Choice Act, or *gasp* the ERA! But why should anyone care about women’s health and civil rights, when a “peaceful, green economy” is on the horizon???? Oh, how selfish I must be to even mention such a trivial matter as the rights of THE  MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION!!!! (Sorry, did I just yell that in my uppity lady voice?) 

The bottom line is this: Women. Win. Elections. Not only do we make up the majority of volunteers for political campaigns in general, not only do we donate in droves, but we also vote. A lot. And wherever we go en masse, is wherever the winning candidate goes. You can gush all you want about how young people got Obama elected, but they didn’t. According to exit polls, women and Independents (and quite a few evangelicals) were the key to Obama’s victory. And in 2012, independent women may just be key for a GOP victory.

So any campaign that was serious about real change, whether it be Progressives for Satan, er I mean Obama, er I mean Paul, would put women first. Until both men AND women start realizing it, however, I fear all we’ll be getting is false “hope”. Sadly, the Obamatrons are still too stupid (and sexist) to get that, after all these years.

This is an open thread.

25 Responses to "Feminist Friday: Progressives….Still Stupid (And Sexist) After All These Years"

What is wrong with these people?

Drinking rat poison would be easier to swallow than this bilge offered up on behalf of Ron Paul.

Ummm, these are likely the same people that were utterly refractory to suggestion in the 2008 primaries.

@3 – Absolutely – to suggestion, facts, reality…LA LA LA LA LA!!!

What makes me laugh is that somehow these people think that they can support Paul before the election, but vote for Obama against him in the general. ??????? What would that accomplish? If you want Obama in the White House, why not just work for him instead of Paul? If you don’t want Obama in the White House, then why would you vote for him?

I truly don’t understand the pretzelification these guys put themselves through. It must be so strange to live in a world where anything can be justified for any reason.

Ron Paul. Weird
Rick Santorum Weird
Newt Gingrich Weird
Michele Bachmann Weird
Rick Perry Weird
Donald Trump Weird
Mitt Romney Weird
Herman Cain Weird

Ladies and gents, this is the GOP slate of contenders and challengers seeking the highest office in the land.

Some of the newest members of congress elected from the Tea Party label are weird, weird, weird.

Factor in several newly elected governors in key states who are facing recall for their own weirdness and you have as complete description of the current Republican Party as it gets.

Weirdos. People who consider corporations and zygots as fully realized human beings. Peopie who dismiss science, favor Creationism, and loathe the very same government that affords them the opportunities they have all benefited from in some form or other. People who scream “freedom” as their battlecry but are willing to prevent others from having the same.

And the “weirdest” part of the whole thing is that there are those out there willing to listen to their insanity by voting them into office.

Rick Santorum was paid $400,000 annually to sit on the Board of Directors for this horror show:

This from a man of “religious prinicples” wanting to foist them on the rest of us who may severely disagree with the treatment of others in this manner.


A whole new standard of weird has been set by three NH legislators:

@6 & 7: O.M.G!!!!!!!!!

The ingredients in of our country’s “melting pot” clearly include Froot Loops!

I’m “this close” to taking a sabbatical from this insanity.

The “melting pot” is swarming with hypocrites, bible thumpers, liars, corrupt politicians and an electorate who finds this stuff appealing.

I’ve got a pile of books and a brand new Kindle to shuffle me off to another world where at least the books are labeled “fiction” and “non fiction” which at least offers a heads up.

Some of this stuff is really eating away at me. Considering that Rick the Prick sat on a board of an institution that sounds like something out of a Dickens nove is the final straw. How abusive does it need to get before someone steps in and requests action?

Someone just labeled Santorum “the Jesus candidate” which is as far from what he preached as it gets. Dismissing your fellow man, than wallowing in your description of “family values” has left me choking with rage.

@9 – Agreed 1000% Pat. The media reports on these people as though they are worthy of serious consideration. They are lunatics and monsters worthy of nothing but starring in a Fellini or Bergman film – no costume or makeup required!.

Thanks to help and advice from people here, I have a brand new Kindle too! Best. Toy. EVER!!! I love reading on it, although I think I’m going even faster than before….and I borrowed the second book of “The Hunger Games” for free! Su-weet!

Glad you are enjoying your Kindle.

I am still “eyeing” mine from a distance. Never wanted one, never asked for one, never expected one, but my kids “insisted”.

This one has all the bells and whistles and as soon as I figure out how to actually use it I may think differently.

@11 – Once you dive in, it is very simple and intuitive. Much more so than a normal computer – it’s like an iPad, only much smaller and easier to hold in one hand for reading purposes. The browser is insanely fast – it’s easy to read TW on it!.

Heaven knows you figured out WordPress, and that’s MUCH harder. 🙂

For my purposes, it has saved me several pounds in bag weight. I need my reading materials when I travel, and those hardbacks from the library were HEAVY.

Progressive support Ron Paul I assess their IQ @ -150 they are what I would call anti-geniuses…WTF I think the term “Republican” is the new synonym for “Progressive”!!!

screw the word Progressive it is meaningless

I will stick to being called a Left Wing Male Feminist Tree Hugging LIberal!!


BTW – did you see Santorum compared gay marriage to polygamy? At least he’s not saying it will lead to “Man on Dog” marriage.,0,4108242.story

Is this his “subtle” way of “accusing” WIllard of supporting gay marriage?

I admit to having wondered the same exact thing.

Loved this from the M.C./New Hampshire thingie:

“If a man dies owing money to Jews, his wife may have her dower and pay nothing towards the debt from it.”

Maddow had a thing on her show about it last night. (ok give me a break it was 3:00 a.m. and nothing else was on)

Mad: I just checked out the R.P. supporter. Apparently so clueless he’s still using blogger. That should give you a clue!

I have spent the past hour with Dell again clearing the Win 2012 virus. Thankful that I purchased the warranty.

chat@19: can you take back the advice **you** gave to the last tech you talked to? 😉

Repo my advice on how to care for the aftermath of a full-back tattoo?

Yeah, was being my usual smart-@ssed self, that’s all.

I can understand wanting to completely ignore politics because as of right now there is nothing. It’s going to be between Obama who’s done nothing and either Romney who’s an Obama 1%er or some crazed fundamentalist. That being said, I keep watching because it’s kind of like watching a train wreck. You don’t want to watch it. You know it’s going to end badly but somehow you just can’t stinking avert your eyes from it.

[…] it’s our one and only tool, our one and only leverage. Nor is it a minor thing. As madamab notes, “The bottom line is this: Women. Win. Elections. Not only do we make up the majority of […]

[…] it’s our one and only tool, our one and only leverage. Nor is it a minor thing. As madamab notes, “The bottom line is this: Women. Win. Elections. Not only do we make up the majority of […]

[…] it’s a one and usually tool, a one and usually leverage. Nor is it a teenager thing. As madamab notes, “The bottom line is this: Women. Win. Elections. Not usually do we make adult a infancy of […]

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