The Widdershins

Lazy Weekend: Tired

Posted on: December 19, 2020

Me right now

Hello Shinners! I thought I’d take this weekend’s post to give DYB a break.

As we end this horrendous year with several rays of hope breaking through the gloom, I find myself to be tired. I’m tired of trying to figure out what nefarious schemes and batches of scariness will be coming from Drumpf and Rethugs as their relevance diminishes daily. I’m tired of worrying about what will happen in Georgia and whether any of Biden’s amazing plans will come to fruition. I’m tired of thinking Mitch McConnell’s win in Kentucky was rigged and then finding evidence online that seems to prove it. And I’ll bet you are too.

So this weekend’s musical theme is “Tired.” Please feel free to post your favorites in the comments, or discuss anything you like. Here are a few to get you started.

Practice self-care and get some rest, Widdershins!


101 Responses to "Lazy Weekend: Tired"

If *all* we had to do was wait (and wait and wait and wait and wait) for the Mango Blob to GO, it would be bad enough.

But then there’s news of him packing the Social Security admin with unremovable stooges, and the Post Office, and, and, and. And then there’s the weirdnesses going on at Defense where a stooge is Acting Head, and weirdness with vaccine distribution which will make Biden’s work more difficult right from the start, and McConnell trying to make sure the country is in an economic disaster that he can blame Biden for so the Repubs can control everything again in 2022. It goes on forever.

I’m feeling way past tired!

I’m on a Wilburys kick.

@2, I hope the Biden admin will remove stooges anyway. Fire them and escort them out. Let them sue, which would take years. The second priority (after covid) should be to restore our government back to pre-putin infiltration, and that means getting the trumplican-putin stooges out.

@3 & 4, nice blast from the past! My old boyfriend worked at two famous old Calif recording studios, and he would let me sit at the consoles and let me play with all those knobs, mixing the way I liked it. Sometimes he would like what I put together and use it. Modern electronics has changed everything of course. I don’t if there is much music recorded on the big reels anymore.

@6, that must have been fun! I just heard about the Traveling Wilboroughys (?British spelling) when dakinikat posted a clip on SD a week or so ago. I’m mostly classic and jazz, with limited pop. But I’m enjoying listening to their songs now.

Love the Wilburys! I still have one of their CDs. Yes, I’m old!

I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. This lame duck period is the longest 10 years of my life.

I have my doubts about people who can’t be removed from government positions. It doesn’t seem logical. Even judges can be impeached and removed, although they are “appointed for life.” I do think between Biden and Harris and their staff, they should be able to find a way to manage through those types of obstacles.

But I thought Trump was weakening government employee safeguards against quickly firing people? Probably that was just for the rank and file peons.

There’s got to be a process, even if complicated, for removing the higher-ups. Biden should put some people on it now.

@9, yes, for example that creep that has wrecked the Post Office. He should be fired and indicted. He ordered the destruction of millions of dollars of machinery.

Great songs, love the Wilbury’s too…who wouldn’t with Dylan, Tom Petty, George Harrison, Roy O and the others.

You aren’t the only one that is burned out MB. I am also tired about worrying and especially about my son…he told me today that he has cold symptoms plus what sounds like a sinus infection…putting him on antibiotics and want him to stay out of work for at least a week while he gets tested for Covid again. Kaiser set him up with a Covid test next frickin’ Tuesday…and three days or so for the results, lands on Christmas. I will worry…

Here’s a real oldie about being tired.

The executives at the medical center where I work are scheduled to get the vaccine right after ER and ICU clinicians. Then it’s the rest of the hospital staff. Those of us who in outpatient clinics get vacines several steps down the priority list, just before the office workers who see no patients.

In the early stages of a mass vaccination effort, two groups are most important: those most likely to die of the disease if they get it, and those most likely to contract and transmit it. Wealthy people who aren’t front-line workers should be a relatively low priority. They are among the most capable of mitigating the dangers of exposure for themselves. Most can get their groceries delivered without any social contact. They are more likely to work the kinds of jobs that can be performed remotely. When it comes to early access to a vaccine, a chief executive is far less essential than a pharmacy clerk

But we’re about to see the wealthy try to jump to the head of the line. It’s already happening: Doctors in California told the Los Angeles Times they get calls every day from patients asking how to get the vaccine early.

That’s no surprise: Researchers studying the behavior of the rich — whether it’s looking at their charitable giving on their tax returns or seeing how they take turns when driving around town — consistently find that wealthy people are more likely to be selfish and act unethically. They are more likely to think of themselves as more important than other people and less likely to give to others, according to studies.

Oh, Shadow @11. How awful. I have some inkling what you’re going through because I had a situation sort of like that with my nearest and dearest. During the day you can get busy and try not to think about it. The worst is when you wake up at 2AM. I’ll be thinking about and keeping fingers crossed that all stays okay!

Thank you so much Q, positive thoughts and fingers crossed are always appreciated. I’m glad to know your dear one made it though.

Shadowfax, I hope your son will be all right. There are a lot of ‘regular’ colds and sinus infections going around now. And although it’s frustrating to wait for results, the tests which take longer are more accurate than the rapid tests. But to wait until Tuesday to even get a test? There should be some other place he can be tested at earlier — maybe call the public-health dept to get info on other testing sites?

Mb, I love the kitty on the keyboard – that’s me too. I heard Ali Velshi say (and at that time, there were 35 days to go) that it felt more like 35 years.

I do feel cautiously optimistic about 2021. I hope we will be able to get the twin pandemics of Covid-19 and Trumpism under control.

Here’s to hoping the decline of both C-19 and Trump is steep and rapid.

Wow… just when I was starting to feel all warm and fuzzy thinking about 2021… Brittney Cooper gave me a dose of reality on MSNBC this morning. She was saying that Trump has the mentality of an abuser and the most dangerous time with any relationship with an abuser is when you have decided to leave. America has left him. America has rejected him. This is intolerable for someone like Trump. So now he wants to leave us with scars. He wants to punish us for rejecting him. He wants us to live in fear of what he might do in retaliation. And that fear is unfortunately real because he’s capable of anything.

What she was saying was very much in line with what quixote was talking about @2.

Yes, PJ, I agree with your comment @17. That’s the kind of thing I keep thinking about and trying not to!

Shadow, sending positive vibes to you and your son! I hope the test comes back negative again.

Luna, that quote was really powerful. We have seen it over and over again, especially over the last four years, that rich people feel entitled to have the best of everything, first. I am appalled that anyone is skipping the line before health care workers, the elderly, and people who cannot work remotely. I well understand that, as someone who works 100% remotely, I’ll be far down the priority list for the vaccine. I don’t expect to get it till May or June.

Beautiful critter break!

Something to make us feel a bit better about the outcomes of that giant hack. As awful as it is, it appears espionage was the purpose and not terrorism. I hope this cyber security journalist is correct.

@12, 18: The rich…money is such a strange thing and what it does to people. How it can corrupt your soul (or maybe the soul was corrupt to begin with). I don’t play the lottery because I’ve seen what happens to people who win it. It’s never pretty. And a lack of money will not bend your soul – unless you were leaning that way anyway. Bo Jackson’s mom never flinched at the offer of money. She was poor, but she was not stupid. She knew – there are worse things than being poor.

There are so many quotes from Trump about how much he loves money and how it’s never enough. Money is love. He feels love when he gets it from people and he gives or withholds money as an expression of love or lack of love. Money is the core of his being. Money, money, money. It guides his every decision. And yet, he can never really hang on to it. The holes in the sieve are forever bigger than the money coming in. It’s like watching a hamster on a wheel, running and running and never getting anywhere.

My con artist sister is like that. She loves money (because money is love). But whenever she gets any she (figuratively) goes to her backyard and burns it up in a trashcan. Poof. Gone. Every time. There’s just no rational explanation for it. But the love of money is real. She sent me this song about herself that she thought was hilarious (back when I had anything to do with her).

Well said, PJ,

Have y’all seen this thread about a 4-year-old girl, her fairy garden and a neighbor who decided to become a fairy for her?

Unbelievably uplifting.

Lots of time on someone’s hands to construct this.

That xylophone. Wow!

I know I should be changing my handle to Debbie Downer at the rate I’m going, but…

before we get too amazed about the wealthy being selfish, that’s all the way to step two. Step One is being oblivious to the problem. (#2 is only needed when #1 becomes too difficult.) Back when there was all the talk about the dreadful 1%, I pointed out in a couple of places that globally, an income of US$35,000 per year puts you in the one percent.

I don’t remember any reactions to that at all. The conversation kept right on discussing the dreadful One Percenters.

Anyway, my point is there’s nothing unusual about the wealthy. For the most part, we all react that way. That’s *why* there are poor people. That’s why the only thing that ever really reduces poverty is progressive taxation and redistributive programs.

(Thanks for coming to my TED talk? :S )

It’s about what money means to you. It’s not true that if you have a lot of money – or plenty of money, money means nothing to you and if you have little money, money means everything. That’s just not true. Money means more to the rich than the poor. It makes them far more fearful. That’s my thesis. Because the bible does get a few things right (like a broken clock). The whole thing about rich people getting into heaven in relation to a camel getting through the eye of a needle. Not good odds…

I’m solidly middle class. Have been my whole life. My siblings (of course) also grew up middle class. Never having to worry about money. Love of money just never got to me as it did to them. Some of them are well off now, some aren’t. My youngest sister has the most money (a ton of money) of all and she is the cheapest. Tighter than a duck’s ass as Trump’s sister would say. Always looking to someone else to pick up the tab. Just like the one’s with far less money.

I’m only speaking from my life experience… I don’t think it’s true that we all react the same way to the dollar amount of one’s bank acct. I honestly would feel supremely ill if I was sitting on a million (or a fucking billion) dollars and watching people in food lines.

But I’m all for progressive taxation and redistribution programs. Amen.

No, we definitely don’t all react the same way. That’s why there’s also some justice in the world! All I meant was that it’s the *circumstance* of being rich that makes some, too many, rich people get tight. It’s not some exceptional flaw in their souls. In other words what I’m also saying is the only reason some people aren’t jerks is that their life circumstances don’t give them the scope to be jerks. They would be if they had enough money, I suspect.

It might actually be easier if the grabbiness really was some kind of innate thing. A French-type revolution where you try to kill all the rich would actually work then.

I think the truth will always will out. No matter how you were raised. If you have a flaw in your soul, it will come out. Rich or poor or middle class (jmo).

But then, I’ve always had a low opinion of people in general. I’m a dog person. So given that bias, I’m going to stop giving my opinion about people… I’m not a fair judge.

@18, MB, beautiful birds!

Thanks Madama B!

I’ve been shoveling snow, stacking firewood and shopping at Walmart. I am exhausted!

Here’s a bit of Madge for ya’ll! “Sodade” is an old Cape Verdean song, made famous by Césaria Évora. During her 2019-20 “Madame X” tour Madonna sang it at almost every performance. First as a solo and then in later shows (including this one in Lisbon) with a famous Cape Verdean singer Dino D’Santiago.

@22, that must have been enthralling for the designers and a lot of fun to work on! Once you figured out how to construct a piece to produce individual notes, the pieces could be duplicated and then put in the right order. Elevate the structure to the right slant and find a a slope close to this angle, then install. Imagine enjoying a forest stroll in a park with this installment xylophone that you could activate! Though you’d have to keep kids away from it.

$35K can be a huge amount in some places. In other places it won’t even cover your rent and I don’t mean a big house. The total sum is only relevant in relation to the cost of living in a given place. The same amount can mean very different things in different places, including between the two coasts of America.

@24, “wealth” is relative. For example, eating out or getting takeaway is still a special deal for me, because I can’t afford to do it very often. Yet most people do get restaurant/take-out meals frequently. So I may feel I don’t have enough money in comparison to the scheduling assistants (paid less and with bigger households than me) but who buy lunch every day. OTOH I may feel wealthy in comparison to median Americans who have approx. $4,000 (or was it only $400) in savings, because I have more than that shockingly low amount. And yes, compared to the average Earth person even the lowest-paid American is wealthy.

However there’s the cost of living to take into account. When my parents were in their 30s the cost of a small house in reasonable condition was about 2 x my dad’s annual earnings. Now it’s 6 x that or more. Some decades back what was called the middle class could live off one income, and that’s hard to do now. Wages have gone down relative to productivity for decades now. The ratio of the lowest-paid employee earnings to CEO earnings gets more skewed each year. In the 70s IIRC it was about 1:40, and now it’s 1:300 or worse. Yeah, I’m being a downer but there is unfairness and it’s exacerbating. We do need progressive taxation. My state has a very regressive tax structure — no income tax, but a sales tax. Of course, people on lower incomes pay a high % of their income on taxes than do wealthy people.

@31, Definitely. The property taxes on the house I’m living in here, average for Seattle, is enough to rent a house in the rural counties of the state. Most of us here are not benefitting from Amazon and Microsoft driving up living costs.

For me the question of money is about what you see as ,” enough.’ I clearly don’t have the same definition as the wealthy GOP-ers who held up COVID relief because they wanted a martini lunch. Did they start wanting more when they got rich? Or did they always have a larger amount of “enough” in their heads and hearts?

I don’t have an answer to that.

D – you’re welcome!

Fredster – awesome xylophone!

On the question of “enough” – nothing is ever enough! I always look at something like Apple stocks: every time Apple announces record revenue – their stocks plummet because record revenue is not enough to the investors who drive the stock-market.

22 That is so wonderful. I kept thinking, how are they filming this and recording the sound so perfectly. I loved seeing the deer in the woods shot. Thanks for posting.
That was a real labor of love.

Thanks Luna and MB. Seems that getting a Covid test and results back takes over a week here in N. Calif. 5 days to set up an appointment, at least 3 days to get results. It’s the shits, thank you Big Dump for not caring about America.

Yes, those little birds are so beautiful, they don’t seem real.

Dionne Warwick. What a beautiful black woman at the age of 80 and the girl can still sing. And props to the white guy. He was like, “fuck it” I’m tired of all this hating shit. Let’s have some fun. I want to sing with you. But I *am* wearing my cowboy hat…

The opulence at the beginning was bad for me but it didn’t ruin the song. Because Hell – she made it! She gets to do that. She gets to stick it right up Robert E. Lee’s ass. Who’s zoomin’ who now MF? Right Ms Aretha Franklin? You know it girl. Anyway, here’s the song.

Okay this is one our science and medical ladies will have to explain to us.

Boris Johnson to hold emergency meeting as concerns grow over new coronavirus variant

Alarm over the new variant, which was first identified in England, has seen British travelers cut off from much of Europe and other parts of the world as countries move to impose restrictions on flights from the UK.
In a hastily called press conference Saturday, Johnson said the new variant appeared to “be up to 70% more transmissible,” and was responsible for a significant rise in cases in London and southeastern England. Those areas would now be placed under a heightened form of lockdown, said Johnson.

n South America, Argentina, Chile and Colombia have all suspended direct flights to and from the UK, and El Salvador has banned anyone entering the country from Britain.
Hong Kong became the first place in Asia to restrict British travelers on Monday, halting all passenger flights from the UK from Tuesday and banning all passengers who stayed in the UK for more than two hours in the past 14 days from arriving in the city.
In the Middle East, flights from the UK were barred in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel.
And across Europe, countries have closed their borders to travelers from UK, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Luxembourg, the Republic of Ireland, Estonia and the Czech Republic.

Guess who isn’t suspending, putting on hold or anything else from the U.K. Well that would be us.

@42 – that is some scary shit right there. I thought the UK had the Pfizer vaccine as well. I would think it would still be effective against a different strain, as it is RNA and not DNA-based…but would love to hear more from Luna and Quixote.

I don’t know if this is the same new variant the media were talking about a few days ago or a different one. (They don’t say.) Also, there’s another new one in S Africa. Same? different? Who knows.

Anyway, this UK one is scary. They say it IS susceptible to the vaccines developed to previous strains. That’s the good news.

They say it’s “no worse” in terms of symptoms or lethality than previous versions. Well, those are plenty bad enough! Not good news in my book.

It’s a lot more infectious — by the same route: droplets and aerosols in the air — and I saw something about it hits younger people more than the older variants. Both very bad news.

The Dumpanzees deciding to mess up vaccine distribution (incompetence? making life difficult for Biden from the getgo? It could be both!) could have awful consequences if/when this thing crosses the Atlantic.

@44 – thank you Q! It is scary that this thing keeps mutating. I assume that social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing are still effective? Or will those not even work?

I’m in a bird mood lately, apparently.

There are different mutations popping up every so often and not just in the UK/Europe. Agree with quixote that what’s concerning is the increased communicability of this mutation.

British health officials have said the variant first identified in England was spreading 70 percent faster than other strains. The variant has now been found in Australia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy and South Africa.

This mutation’s structure doesn’t appear to be different enough that vaccines developed so far won’t work on it. More important than ever to mask up, keep your distance, wash/sanitize hands, and keep trying to break the habit of touching your face.

@47, awwwwww.

Brief basic overview of the new VUI-202012/01 variant:

has its recent rapid spread through southern England occurred because it has arisen in people who are infecting a lot of other people, possibly because they are ignoring Covid-19 restrictions?

Might have something to do with it.

I hope you keep the birds coming, mb. They make me feel zen. Such beautiful creatures.

@40: I love that! Good for Dr. Kat!

I so appreciate quixote and Luna for their knowledge. Even though it’s scary shit indeed as mb said. But thank you. And thanks to Fredster – for bringing it up.

I like the exactitude of this:

Exactly where the variant first appeared is not known. It may simply be that Britain’s extremely robust virus surveillance system spotted it before other nations did. “However, it is just as likely that the mutations that created this variant occurred in the UK and that is why we have seen it first,” added Birney.


Add to Luna’s excellent link above: Eric Feigl-Ding’s thread about both the new UK strain and the South Africa strain. (With variant numbers! so you can tell what’s what!)

mb@45 yes, same methods of prevention. It’s transmitted the *same way*. Just more efficiently 😦 So more important than ever to have a well-fitting mask.

Eep. A related Eric Feigl-Ding thread.

Brace yourselves.

As you’d expect, the virus evolves to avoid antibodies (because the ones that don’t, don’t survive). The problem: therapies using convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies (such as the Regeneron $17,000/ treatment therapy the Dump got) use antibodies to get at the virus.

Vaccines cause the immune system to produce antibodies to the viral spike protein they present to it.

So when the virus evolves away from the expected pattern in that spike protein, the vaccine works less well or not at all. Likewise monoclonal antibody therapies. Etc. Etc.

And the new, more transmissable variant has a biggish change right where the immune system’s antibodies would be recognizing the virus for what it is.

It is NOT clear yet how big an effect this has. Maybe none because, as they used to say on Faceborg, “it’s complicated.” But it’s definitely something to keep an eye on.

This is all so depressing. Keep the bird pics coming! I love looking at birds. Luna is taking me to a park in Vancouver BC that has lots of amazing birds, when this is finally over. Right Luna? I’ll pay all the expenses.

Eric Feigl-Ding — yes, he’s excellent at turning complex science into something us non-molecular-biologists can understand. “…biggish change right where the immune system’s antibodies would be recognizing the virus.” Hope it’s not enough yet.

Wonder how fast the new spike pattern can be matched by a product from those molecular biologists…

@52, socalannie, yes! Just imagine a pleasantly warm giant dome full of tropical birds and plants, with a tiny stream, with paths meandering through. We’ll sit on a wooden bench and listen to the birds. Then we can go walk around Granville Island and see the weavers’ workshop and then the fruit and vegetable market with local produce, and get some olive bread and cheese to eat there or take to Stanley Park and eat by the water. Then there’s the VanDusen Botanical Gardens with blue poppies in the right season. I know a small older hotel that’s a block off English Bay and is reasonable. I love going to Vancouver! We can split the costs.

Sigh. Well, we’ll do that when they open the border again. Here’s a video of the Bloedel conservatory; enjoy the birds. Don’t you like that first bird with the funny hairstyle?

More birds:

Reading comments on Dr. Feigl-Ding’s thread:

“Are you positive this was straight from nature?” (Eyeroll)

@54, sounds spectacular!

Livestream from Lowell Observatory with talks from astronomers.

Wow, that was a treat to listen to and watch the livestream. Scientists! Critical thinking! Correlation is not causation! All these PhDs in rarified astronomic science — exoplanet research, ice-planet research — were exciting about explaining their disciplines to viewers. Refreshing to hear people talk in multisyllabic words on YouTube.

I want to come to the bird vacation in Vancouver!! I love birds. We had over two dozen finches and sparrows in San Francisco that would come eat our birdseed. Here in Santa Rosa, we have hummingbirds.

To be honest I was surprised the vaccine came out so quickly. I had heard that mutation might render a vaccine ineffective, just like the flu vaccine. Gawd will the bad news never end.

We all know that a virus can mutate…it’s their frickin’ nature to survive.
I hope the drug companies are already working on the variant and can find out if they need to add to the current vaccine or start over.

What I don’t know is if the vaccine works against a certain type of Covid 19 strain, does that include any jacked up variant of Covid 19 or is it a whole new Covid 19.2 or Covid #??

I was just thinking of how Covid could easily be used by terrorists. Instead of having suicide bombers sent in, just send in infected party animals that move from city to city.

This is all too depressing. Just when we had a glimmer of hope this strain comes it. Couldn’t it have just waited a little while, to let people get back on their feet?

Why the hell would Covid need to mutate when it has lit the world on fire?

Sorry, let’s see more cute birds and animals.

Okay, the docs and others say not to congregate in large gatherings so Santa is doing his part.

Oops, …”this stain comes *in.”

Fuzzy and cute…take away the stress.

Don’t get too depressed. They made the current vaccines starting from absolutely nothing in about 11 months. They have the molecular modeling software to tell them which changes a vaccine needs to lock onto a new variant. Producing that will be a matter of some lab work and scaling up production. Two months? Three? And IF they find out the new one doesn’t succumb to the current vaccine (that has NOT been proven yet) they’ll start work on Vaccine Mark II that day. It won’t be as bad as this first round has been.

Thanks for peeling me off the ceiling and giving me some scientific insight to put things in perspective.

Yes, thanks Q!

Shadow, I feel like your video of the bunnies, dog and bird is a sneak peek into DYB’s apartment. 😂 Oh, and that is going on a loop till things improve!

Yes MB, I was thing of DYB while I was watching the animals and bird. That is one very patient lab and the little bird is very brave. Such a great scene to see them all get along so well.

I must admit, I kept wondering if any one of the little ones were going to poop or p on the bed.

Yes, MB, come join us! And any other Widdershin who can, up in Vancouver BC for a tropical bird session! When the pandemic is over, whenever that is.

My guess is most of us ordinary folk will be vaccinated by the time summer is over, so I’m booking my Vancouver bird visit for October 😆 !

Whoop whoop! I’ve always wanted to go to Vancouver. I had a boyfriend from Vancouver for a short while, but never visited his family.

Birds are too unpredictable for my zoo! But the lab I want!!

So Dump is handing out pardons today, including to convicted war criminals who worked for Blackwater in Iraq. Plus some corrupt GOP cronies. Oy gevalt.

I want to go to Vancouver with the gang. Holy smokes, that will be fun.

I have sisters in Tacoma that are getting older and don’t want to fly down to CA to see me, so I could check in with the family after we do our thing in Canada. Yipes, guess I will have to get a freakin’ passport by then, after things are safe.

P.A.R.T.Y with PUMAs

That lab is a keeper, what patience.

And…labs love the snow.

quixote and Shadowfax, Yes! October will be a good time as crowds will be less and the gardens will have fall color. Cooler, so nice to sit in a tropical glass bubble. No blue poppies though.

@74, DYB, Looks like corruption gets rewarded in Trumpworld. We did know that already. One was pardoned for stealing campaign funds — well of course that’s OK because Trump steals from his campaign fund.

Nice pic of yesterdays Grand Conjunction.

Can’t wait for the Widdershins adventure in Canada! Sounds like so much fun!

Shadow, I also wondered about the bunnies pooping on the bed.

@74: DYB, I hope you didn’t hurt that cute little bird’s feelings when you said that about birds. Didn’t you see how well-behaved he was? 🙂

But I have to agree with you…my reticence about being around birds probably comes from having watched Hitchcock’s “The Birds”. But looking at pictures of birds or seeing them flying high above has a wonderful effect on me. It’s like mountains. Looking at pictures of mountains gives me the best feeling in the world. I think they are so beautiful. But actually driving around on a mountain terrified me as a kid and even as an adult. I didn’t like it at all. And Redwood trees. I think they are awe-inspiring. But driving through them? I have never felt so claustrophobic in my life. Like the world was closing in on me. Not a pleasant feeling.

So being on this flat, treeless plain is probably where I need to be. I like being able to see miles and miles ahead of me. And all around me. But thank God for pictures!

I’ve kind of been tuning out of the news – the Trump shitshow. I’m sure he’ll do many more bad, corrupt things because that’s what he does. He has a criminal/sociopathic mind. The pardons he has done so far are just sickening and I know there’s more to come. We’re all going to have to let Trump be Trump this next month because we don’t have a choice. Thank you, MAGAts of the universe. The bar is so low for Dump, I’ll just be happy if we escape without him starting a nuclear war in the days remaining.

I bought a 2021 calendar with mountains. I haven’t bought a calendar since 2016. It was my feeble attempt to defend myself against those days, months, years to come. To just pretend they weren’t going to happen or happening. It didn’t work of course.

@80 – what a beautiful picture! I am in awe.

All, I’ll have a new post up later this afternoon.

I wonder how long it’s going to be until McConnell has “a talk” with Tommy Tuberville. It will be short talk that involves Mitch sitting across from Tommy with a razor blade in one hand and a paper cup in the other. The only word Mitch will say is “scrotum”. The message will be clear. Cut the shit or else.

(I stole that image from “Mississippi Burning”)

@85: That’s perfect!

So, wondering if McTurtle will call Senate back in session to deal with tRump’s wanting to increase stimulus check to 2k? Not holding my breath on that one. Just think that was one of his-tRump’s babbling statements.

@85, words for the year.

WASHINGTON — Pfizer and BioNTech will supply the U.S. with an additional 100 million doses of their COVID-19 vaccine under a second agreement.

The drugmakers said Wednesday that they expect to deliver all the doses by July 31.


Under the nearly $2 billion deal announced Wednesday, the companies will deliver at least 70 million additional doses by June 30, with the remaining 30 million to be delivered no later than July 31. The government also has the option to acquire up to an additional 400 million doses.

Welp, no traveling for me, like that was going to be a thing anyway.

@88: I agree with you, Fredster. I think it’s just tRump babbling. And getting his moronic cult followers to bow at his greatness – at how hard he fights for the American people – while he actually does nothing. It will go the way of his bestest ever healthcare plan.

I really hope Trump continues to go after Republicans. Threatening them with being primaried. I love watching snake on snake violence.

I read that a few weeks ago Trump wanted a $2,000 stimulus. Probably just so he could put his name on the checks, which no other president* has done with these sorts of payments, and which is inaccurate since the checks won’t come from him or the White House. Of course, he wants to claim the credit.

Snake on snake violence, lol!

PJ @92, Yes, what could be better than watching the thugs devour each other.

Shadow, how is your son?

Annie, he is still waiting for the results of the test. He said the antibiotics really helped him feel better. Thanks for asking. He is still out of work and we are still not seeing each other until he is negative.

@96 Shadowfax, how long do test results take?? I hope it all works out!

Test results — that depends on the test and the how efficient the facility is. Rapid tests are within minutes, but aren’t that accurate. The ones which take a couple-three days (and that’s before the contacting-patient process) are much more accurate. From what Shadowfax said earlier it looks like the facility is not very efficient.

Shadow, sending you and your son good thoughts! My test came back in 3 days when I took it,but this was before California exploded with cases.

I’m a little later than I thought on the post. Hopefully it will be done tonight – if not, tomorrow morning!

It’s another episode of The Widdershins Experimental Recipes. Today on the agenda is: Vegan peanut butter cookies, made by a carnivore.

DYB, MB, Luna…the test results usually takes 3 days here in N. Calif. But that third day is Christmas, so who knows if anyone is going to notify my son on that day or maybe it might come Christmas Eve? We have no idea. This is Kaiser we are dealing with, UCSF only takes a few hours, so there ya go.

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