The Widdershins

Post Lazy Weekend

Posted on: December 13, 2020

Hello Widdershins!

You probably noticed it is no longer the weekend! Sadly weekends just fly by. I need a weekend! This weekend I made a move – moved to upstate NY, at least for a few months. I’m near Hunter Mountain, a major skiing destination. The view is lovely (see the photo above from my apartment.) The dog is loving it. I love NYC, but needed to get away, especially with the lockdown in my small studio! With a dog and a cat. So now we will have a little more space. Fortunately I am able to work from home, so I lugged my editing system up here. For as long as this job continues, I plan to stay up here. And that is through the winter. Fingers crossed another project comes along soon!

How is everybody else doing? Did I miss any news?

132 Responses to "Post Lazy Weekend"

The location looks beautiful D. Hope you enjoy the time you have there if it’s not permanent.

Wow, that’s beautiful! I’m not surprised your dog is loving it. Good to hear from you.

Thanks to mb for checking on you for us.

Because of course they are.

3> Grrrrr they are evil.

Thanks for the fresh thread D! I love the pic. I hope you, doggie and kitty enjoy the space!

The MAGATs must be thrilled that der Drumpfenfuhrer and his cronies are all getting the vaccine instead of them because something something MAGA. What a bunch of morons.

@3, of course.

I have a feeling that whomever’s doing the injections will just happen to develop bad (read painful) injecting technique that day.

Hunh. Trump’s reversed course; I wonder if he’s lying or not.

President Trump reversed course on a plan to have some White House staffers be among the first Americans to be vaccinated against the novel coronavirus, tweeting late Sunday that they “should receive the vaccine somewhat later in the program, unless specifically necessary.”

Earlier Sunday, White House officials had said that senior members of the Trump administration would receive priority as a vaccine is rolled out this week, an announcement that drew criticism in light of the fact that Trump and his top advisers have repeatedly downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic while flouting public health guidance.

I guess someone talked him out of it. Bad optics.

This morning I woke up wondering if opinion writers would start calling out the GOP as seditionists. At least one has done so.

Wildlife photographers getting close to their subjects

DYB thanks for the new thread and I am so glad all is well with you and you have moved to a beautiful place with your pets.

@8: That’s good to see. Yes, bad optics. Probably why Hitler never associated his name to the Holocaust. Bad optics. Hitler was much more disciplined than Trump. Trump frequently goes with bad optics after temporarily succumbing to pressure for good optics (Charlottesville, kids in cages, Helsinki with Putin).

On the previous thread, quixote asked the question, “what did people think at the time?” regarding Germany. I don’t know the answer, but from the documentaries I have seen, there were people who experienced an extreme religious-type ecstasy when they listened to Hitler. One guy said he knew he had found God. Other people saw a clown. Spitting and doing weird hand gestures. I don’t think those people saw the danger until it was too late.

I saw a Trump supporter on Ari Melber’s show. A small business owner in NY who seemed like a decent guy. Ari was like, “help me understand.” The guy shrugged and said, “I hear something different.”

An honest answer! They hear something different – something that surpasses their rational mind that says one shouldn’t believe one who constantly lies. The dude couldn’t help himself. He liked it. It makes me think we’re all bent towards one direction or the other and logic has nothing to do with it. Even if we lose our way like I did – venturing over to the dark side – it doesn’t last. I’m also thinking of those Hillary supporters who went on to find their true home on the Reich. I mean Right.

CNN person just mentioned that Stacey Abrams and the Clinton’s are all electors. They are voting today with the other electors.

Another thing to recall concerning Hitler, Germany, 1935…
After WW I ended, the allies pretty much stripped Germany of everything they gained during the war. We forced them to reduce their military to basically a defensive position so they could not engage in any types of offensive position. They also had to pay reparations to the allies and they had to give up a lot of territory. All of that was in the Treaty of Versailles which Germany signed.

When Hitler came to power he appealed to the Germans’ idea that they had been reduced to less than nothing and they saw him as a savior of the German people. So in the vernacular, they cut him some slack.

PJ, and Fredster, interesting points.

DYB, so glad to hear you’ve moved to such a nice place!

DYB, That was a fast move! I’m glad you and the critters like your new place. Looks like a wonderful area for walking — might be hard to get the pup to go back indoors!

@14, There was a great deal of below-the-surface resentment which Hitler tapped into.

Drumpf fired Barr at the same time Biden/Harris were elected. He really knows how to manipulate the media.

So tired of his bullsh*t.

So Barr and Trump had a “nice talk.” Uh-huh. I feel sorry for whomever had to clean Trump’s spittle off the walls.

After watching hours and hours of footage about Nazi Germany and reading so many books, it got into my central nervous system, into my DNA. How it can happen. How it did happen.

And still, it’s hard for me to believe it can happen. I can understand Germans watching it happen and still not being able to comprehend it was happening including those Jewish Germans going to their death.

I keep thinking about the GOP. No, I’m thinking. They wouldn’t go *that* far. They wouldn’t destroy our democracy just so they could remain in power.

But I think the answer is yes. Yes they would.

@22 – I completely agree. They are Nazis. If they could they would impose their fringe minority views on every single American and turn this country into a hellscape.

They would, mb. I saw Stacey Abrams talking about Joe Biden representing *all* Americans even those that didn’t vote for him. It’s a beautiful sentiment. An America that she believes in. That Joe Biden believes in. Biden will be the president of all. I know he will.

I’m just reporting from the facts on the ground. They have no interest.

What people forget is that you don’t go from Norman Rockwell democracy to cattle cars. There’s a long road to get to awful places. The trick is figuring out if the road you’re on is headed there even if it feels fine so far.

Well, we’re already well past the “feels fine” stage. But I get really impatient of the people who sneer about alarmism just because we haven’t reached cattle car stage. If you wait for that, it’s too late to do anything!

But the thing which is weird to me is how stupid, how downright silly the vectors of evil seem. I mean … Bannon?, the Dump?, Miller?, snack-demanding end-timers proudly conquering a three-room ranger’s station? I mean, honestly? And yet, you can see the road they’re on. And trying to drag us onto.

So I wonder if it’s just our crew who are evil in a doofus face, or if it’s always like that. Sounds like there’s always elements of that buffoonishness to the monstrosity.

Yes, the vectors of evil are always silly. Goering, Himmler, Goebbels. etc. Speer, you MF. Don’t think I forgot you. Human filth. Only the names have changed. We have new names. Bannon, Miller, Barr, Pompeo, Stone, Flynn. Ok, there’s a lot of them.

I agree with Tim Miller that the problem is the GOP base. If Mitch McConnell could be like the Grinch and go from having a heart two sizes too small to growing three sizes (I know, impossible). But if it happened, I think his voters would tar and feather him.

Actually, Albert Speer was quite sophisticated. The so-called “Good Nazi”. I just wanted to throw his name in with the obvious losers because I hate him. He took to evil like a duck to water.

They are really talking about Barr in an unvarnished truth kind of way on Morning Joe. Calling him the worst, most corrupt AG in history. Scarborough said he makes John Mitchell look like a choir boy.

At the end, when Hitler was in his bunker (that was poorly ventilated so they were all breathing in their own human waste); Hitler heard word of Himmler’s offer to surrender to the Western Allies. Hitler was so angry, he killed (had him killed – of course Hitler didn’t do it himself) the husband of Eva Braun’s sister because said husband had ties to Himmler. And Himmler was not reachable to kill.

The break up of Trump and Barr made me think of that story…

@29 – oh yes, they are all emboldened now that the electors have voted. Profiles in courage they ain’t.

I personally think Raygun was one of those evildoers who took us down the path Quixote was talking about. He made a lot of people feel great, and to me and many others, he was a buffoon. He cleared the way for right-wing dominance of the media which has made the rise of that gob of orange goo possible.

Agree completely about Ronzo. Not that Nixon was a good guy, but Ronzo Raygun was the one who made grabbing everything in sight respectable. That’s when it took off.

Did not know that about Eva Braun’s brother-in-law. Brrr.

Also agree about Mitchell looking like a choir boy by comparison to Barr. I keep shouting about the fact that what Nixon did (stealing campaign info from a political rival) was the same thing old Bernie did to Clinton. Then: Watergate. Now:

I totally agree about Raygun. I could be wrong, but I think he was the one that put the spark into the white evangelical Frankenstein.

But thinking about Nixon too… Man, Republicans have really given us some shitty presidents. I have to wonder about America and this insane cycle we’ve been on. We elect an R president. They screw everything up. We elect a D president to clean up the mess. We get unhappy with a clean house (like Carville would say, “what didn’t you like? the peace or the prosperity?”) so we elect an even bigger wrecking ball R president. On and on until we get to Trump. It’s crazy. And scary. Thinking about the next R president – given the trajectory.

Yes on Bernie, quixote! That old snake oil salesman never seems to be held accountable.

A friend sent me this the other day and I kept forgetting to put it here.

Russian state media are calling for Trump — or ‘Trumpusha’ — to get asylum in their country when he leaves the White House so he can save himself from prosecution

Yeah, do that Donald. It will be that much easier for Putin to send someone with a poisoned dart for you.

@34 – Yes, that’s definitely on my bingo card for what Drumpf will do when kicked out of the White House in disgrace.

Especially noting that as a parting gift, Donald appears to have given Putin all the passwords to all the email and servers in the government and Putin hacked. into. EVERYTHING. The Mango Moron has yet to condemn this because, well, you know. #TrumpisaRussianAgent

@35: Hope there is payback by Biden’s NSA or whomever it takes.

Whoa. I had not heard that – not about Russia telling Trump to come on home or about the passwords. Holy Shit! that’s bad. I shouldn’t be surprised after Trump invited Lavrov and Kislyak into the oval office. Mi casa es su casa. Trump makes Benedict Arnold look like a choir boy.

Barr’s resignation letter made me think of the HBO series, “Oz” when Beecher literally licked Schillinger’s boots.

I remember back in 2016, the talking heads kept saying that whoever won – whether it was Hillary or the Orange POS – they would have to find a way to bring the heavily divided country together. Well, that turned out to be a load of shit. The Orange POS ruled for four years without ever giving two shits about healing the country. He just dug the grooves in deeper. Played to his sick base the entire time. So no… the president does not have to care about uniting the United States of America.

Joe Biden will try just like Hillary would have tried. But the other side isn’t interested. They really aren’t. And honestly, I’m not interested either. They can go fuck themselves. We won. Fuck your feelings. Take that Trump bitches.

@37, Russian media, not Putin as such of course, really is inviting Trumpushka to come on over. He hasn’t literally handed over the passwords (I doubt he knows them, or has been told the real ones, or could remember where he put the list). But he sure has done his best to invite the Russians to hack everything in sight. In that sense “handed over the passwords.”

Trump also happily babbles to Vlad whatever he remembers from his briefings. I imagine he’s doubtless so sloppy with security Vlad’s hackers can sneak in via Trump’s access.

@40: It reminds me of Scott Walker selling out Wisconsin to the Koch brothers. “Come on in. Take whatever you want.” But I think Walker probably did know the passwords.

A way outside thought… How intellectually dead do you have to be as a journalist to write hundreds of stories about emails? And be gleeful about it. Not a chore. And have readers eating it up. The same freaking lame story. Over and over. It would be like watching the same movie over and over and over. I don’t care how good the movie is – that’s disturbed.

The Walking Dead is not just a TV show. I’m just saying.

@43, if the editorial boss likes those stories …

@40 – Q, totally agree – I was being dramatic. But I am quite sure that Drumpf facilitated that hack. And I do believe it was intentional.

I mean, they did tell him to stop using his unsecured iPhone to call and tweet, but he refused. And of course Jarvanka were using unsecured apps and emails to conduct their business and never changed that practice. Jared’s security clearance was revoked as punishment for this, but Donald overruled it and reinstated it. Drumpf fired almost everyone at the Pentagon and installed stooges.

Why do all that if you’re not trying to open the doors to Russia, Dgina and Saudi Arabia?

Different topic, I think we have room in this thread so I’m going to hold off on posting tomorrow.

@44: Great point Luna. The problem with our media is that we have old white males in charge – stuck in 1950. The good old days. When men were men and sheep were scared.

@40: Russian media, not Putin as such of course, really is inviting Trumpushka to come on over.

Right. Because of course there is a free and independent media in Russia.

I’m not a sociologist, but what is it with the male boot-licking? Trump’s tongue is permanently attached to Putin’s boot. It’s obvious. It has never changed. And the GOP Senate and House of Representatives have their tongues permanently attached to Trump’s boot. Why?

I truly do not get it. Maybe if I read Jane Goodall’s work on the study of apes, I would have a better understanding.

Oh no… I went to male bashing. Sorry. Sincerely.

50 Yippie, Jennifer Grandholm is another of my favorites on my list for Biden. Is he really going to leave Hillary out in the political cold????


Did Sally Yates make it in his cabinet yet, or did her pass her by???

Sorry, but since when did Pete B. qualify for a cabinet position????

Screamingly funny!

Shadowfax, I feel like Biden will not offer HRC a cabinet position. Frankly after SoS, it’d be a step down anyway.

I guess Yates is in the running for AG? But I feel like because she was fired by Trump it would automatically make everyone scream “political retribution” if she went after the Trumps.

Granholm for Dept of Energy? I had to go look her up, and discovered that she was being considered by HRC for the same post back in 2016. OK; good choice.

Mayo Pete for Transportation Secretary, WTF? He’d better have some advisors more knowledgable and experienced on the subject than he himself is.

I’m still surprised and a tad annoyed Inslee’s not getting a suitable offer, though he did say he didn’t want to go to DC for a Cabinet position. (But don’t they all say that?) It will be really good to have him stay on as Gov to keep improving our state and keep working with CA, OR and BC on environmental policies. He’s an outdoorsy type, and frankly who’d want to live in Washington DC when you could live in the other Washington?

Buttigieg for Transportation Sec’y:

On the other hand, Buttigieg’s appointment comes at a time when sweeping infrastructure reform bills are in the cards, meaning his role might be elevated to a new level of importance. Per Politico, Buttigieg will be tasked with leading “nearly 55,000 employees, an $87 billion budget, and more than a dozen administrations, overseeing the nation’s airspace, highway system, [and] pipeline safety,” among other things.

@56: What did Elaine Chao know about Transportation other than being McTurtle’s wife?

@54 – that is fabulous!!!! Wow. The harmonizing is really exceptional…not to mention his Rudy wig with leaks intact!

I keep thinking he should do a parody of “Tradition,” but call it “Sedition.” Probably too dark.

DYB, your new area looks beautiful. Looks great for your pets! A change is always nice.

Fredster @14, yes, I remember reading that. The Versailles treaty was apparently very hard on Germany, and David Lloyd George (?) wouldn’t budge on his demands and Wilson seems to have gone along with what DLG demanded.

When my kid graduated kindergarten (I know, hysterical!), my hubs ex-wife bought him the complete collection of the Young Indiana Jones series and one of the episodes was about the Versailles Treaty. I love that series btw, and recommend it if you like history.

MB @59, haha! That sounds like a great idea.

I don’t mind Buttigieg being SofT. He’s smart and energetic, I think he’ll do a a good job wherever he ends up.

@61 – me too. Let’s get some young, forward-thinking energy in there. And, I love the representation from the LGBTQ community.

Ok, I’ve loved the car commercials they’ve been running all through the pandemic with the theme of “in these times of uncertainty”, “in these unprecedented times…” go out and buy a new car. Yeah, sure. However this SNL skit about buying cars is the best.

@58, True, but Chao’s Republican.

@64: So? A person in position as Sec’y of Transportation with no experience in it.

I mean that I’m not surprised when the Rs pick someone with no experience (out of nepotism or cronyism or whatever), but I’m surprised and disappointed when Ds do that. I think Mayor Pete will really try to do a good job and seek knowledgeable advice.

@63, LOL! I’ve never liked those tacky luxury car xmas gift commercials.

55 DYB
You are probably right about our girl but I think she is the most qualified, heck she is qualified for running the country in all areas,) to help fix the ACA. I want her back in action, I want to see her making a difference where she belongs.

I hope you’re wrong about Sally Yates, she spoke up and the liar in the White House fired her. That makes her not only one of the good ones but more than qualified.

I have cnn on and the headline says bernie is complaining that Biden isn’t picking enough “progressives”. God in heaven, he’ll never retire, will he? And he’ll probably outlive us all.

Luna, Granholm is on CNN a lot, and she is one smart cookie and doesn’t play games. I think you would really like her.

@69, Bernie’s always whining about something. He’s very good at that. Pity he’s not much good at delineating specific plans, acting on them, and bringing them to fruition. You’d think Biden picking Pete B might satisfy him for a bit.

I’m all for picking experienced people in the cabinet. There are plenty of jobs to start with to gain experience.

LOL “Breaking news” on WaPo:

Biden order to halt border wall project would save U.S. $2.6 billion, Pentagon estimates show


I was watching Rick Wilson talk about Mitch McConnell. He was saying (this is just my take on it – I could have misread it) that Mitch basically loves the new Trumplican Party. They have no ideology, no morals, no ethics. They are rabidly anti-democratic. They are only concerned with power. Mitch has a skip in his step because now he has Trumpism without Trump (which for Mitch was the unbearable part about Trumpism). Mitch gets to throw the nasty baby out, but keep the dirty bathwater.

I think it’s hilarious that Mar-a-Lago neighbors don’t want Trump living there. I think the only places in the United States that would welcome Trump are places he would *not* want to live in.

So maybe Russia it is. Maybe just for fun, Putin will build a “Putin Tower” and let Trump rent a room there.

PJ @74, This doesn’t surprise me. I saw an interesting tweet earlier that said Kamala could march into the senate and put bills up for a vote w/o evil turtle. I’ll try to find it. Still praying that Ossoff & Warnock win though.

I don’t know if this is realistic or not:

Really Socal? That would be awesome.

Yes, those two Georgia seats would make *all* the difference. For once, I’d like to see that evil, arrogant grin of McConnell’s slapped right off his face.

Turnout in GA has been really good so far – not sure what that indicates. At least it’s good for democracy.

Luna, to be totally honest I think this selection was a thank-you for his endorsement of Biden when he-Pete dropped out. As annie said, he’s smart enough (Rhodes scholar?) so he’ll do well there.

@69: AOC is saying the same thing.

@77: Wow, Socal. That’s wild.

@81: Of course she is…

Re veep can preside over Senate instead of Moscow Mitch: Who’s Afraid of Mitch McConnell? by Lisa Marie Kerr, who’s an attorney so she might know the law on it. (I’m not being facetious. Most of the time it never means what I think it means.)

I hope the new admin uses it! Although Biden never did when he was veep 😦

@80, I suspected that.

@84, That actually makes sense. It gives the VP more responsibility than to just be there as a POTUS replacement if needed. VPs used to be much more involved in Congress.

That SNL Lexus commercial was great. I always think, who the hell are they targeting with these ads…buying an expensive car for Christmas is not a thing!

The Department of Transportation is a managerial job. It’s a good growth opportunity for a rising star in the Party. Hopefully he can smooth over some of those edges he showed in the primary…some of his comments about Black people and women were rather tone deaf.

Bernie’s rabid supporters accused Biden of rape multiple times and tried to destroy his candidacy. Then they nominated Bernie at the convention. Then they didn’t vote for Biden. Then…they complain that he hasn’t put one of their asshole JDs in his Cabinet. Gee, I wonder why!

@87: I see those each year and think “someone’s got extra cash lying around to do that” or one spouse isn’t being honest with the other about the 64 month or longer car note.

Pete B. is not my cup of tea (because of that tone deafness mb was talking about). I do really like that he’s gay and wicked smart and can hold his own on Fox News. Maybe he’ll grow on me.

I’m kind of shocked about how large the authoritarian/fascist chunk of America is. About 47% of the country. This is the supposed “live free or die” crowd. They don’t get the irony. “Don’t tread on me” but I’m entitled to tread all over you. No self-awareness whatsoever.

The balance of power that makes America unique – that *actually* makes America great – are the three branches of government. Only one really held up – the judicial branch. The other two – the executive and the Senate half of the legislative – were and are – all in for fascism.

So we’re sitting on a three-legged stool with one and a half legs. It feels a bit wobbly. We’re getting one leg back on Jan 20. That will help! But I’m with Steve Schmidt – we are one presidential election away from losing our democracy.

I’m with you PJ. Pete B. doesn’t seem like anything special to me. So he ran South Bend. From everything I heard, he didn’t do a particularly stellar job. And if that’s pretty much your entire CV for leaping to national level, I would think stellar was the minimum requirement.

In another What-The-Hell appointment, I saw something about Charlotte Clymer being Edu Sec? Is that for real? She’s not somebody I’ve heard about in an education context at all.

Biden has had some outstanding picks. I guess they can’t all be. All I can say is he better not fall down on the Attorney General choice.

On the Edu Sec, why not Dr. Jill Biden? I think she’d be awesome. Sometimes, a person related really is the best person. I’m thinking Bobby Kennedy.

Not Jared. Or Ivanka.

On Hillary doing anything in the Biden administration…

The sun went down on me in 2016.

Can you tell I’m feeling the blues about what might have been?

I’ll switch gears again. I promise.

The Attorney General choice – I agree with quixote. That’s the money ball. I know it can’t be Sally Yates (shit!) for the reason DYB said. I wish that wasn’t the case, but it is. Tony West would be really good but he’s married to Kamala’s sister. Will that disqualify him? I think Barbara McQuade, Joyce Vance or Maya Wiley would be so, so good and I’m sure they’re not even being considered. All of them are so smart on the law. Plus they’re all extremely grounded in a personal code of ethics that is desperately needed. I’m telling you… every one of those women could disinfect the Corona-Barr virus from the Justice Department.

And what poor soul will be tasked with restoring the State Department? After Pompeo corrupted and decimated it? And that POS wants to be president. Thank God he’s no longer interested in shitting directly on KS. We barely survived Brownback. (you’d think with a name like that, *brown* back, he would have never been elected in KS). But with him “brown” had different meaning. He shit all over public education. He was a proud boy. Lifting up his skirt and letting it go.

I’m watching Maddow. OMG y’all. It looks like Drumpf has already f’ed up the 2nd distribution of the vaccine.

When will this nightmare end. Jesu Christe!

This is what Joyce Warshaw, Mayor of Dodge City, KS (Republican, now former Republican) tried to be. She was, of course, burned at the stake.

@91, I’m with you too. Cabinet Secretary shouldn’t be a learn-on-the-job position. If I’m going to hire a contractor to build, say, a medical clinic, I don’t want her only prior experience to be building a birdhouse.

Interesting thread:

I am glad that an out LGB person gets a high-profile position; only wish he’d been better qualified to help dispel any idea of tokenism.

@102, 103, Trump wants to say Eff-You with anything he can.

States report confusion as government reduces vaccine shipments, while Pfizer says it has ‘millions’ of unclaimed doses

Pfizer released a statement Thursday that seemed to contradict that [Trump administration] explanation, saying the company faced no production difficulties and had many more doses immediately available than were being distributed.

“We have millions more doses sitting in our warehouse but, as of now, we have not received any shipment instructions for additional doses,” the statement read.

Yes, that’s what I was seeing on Maddow.

I honestly think Drumpf can’t stand helping people. It is against everything he stands for. If he gives something, he must get something of 10x the value in order to avoid being called a sucker or loser. And this vaccine is a huge sore spot because he feels he should get the credit for it, and he isn’t.

I am very much afraid that the people who got dose #1 of the vaccine may not all get dose #2, just because we still have this piece of shit in the White House. I’m sorry to be dark and I hope I am wrong, but I bet we won’t get any more vaccine after the next tranche. I just don’t see it if things are already massively screwed after one week.

I don’t know why I thought the Dump would leave vaccine distribution alone. I feel like Charlie Brown eyeing Lucy’s football.

“I honestly think Drumpf can’t stand helping people.”

Seriously. Not even by accident when someone else is doing it. (By accident, because it’s just luck it was ready now, not after Jan 20.) There’s no other explanation. What a toxic dump.

@91, 93, Definitely not qualified. Clymer was a ‘feminist’ man with a history of bullying women on the allegedly feminist Facebook site he started. As he got too much flack for lecturing, insulting, and banning women he disagreed with, he moved on. Being a man, he knew best what womanhood is all about — apparently lipstick and a gold lame’ purse are involved — and ‘identified’ as a woman. Whatever the hell that means, since chromosomes don’t change by self-ID. Nope, someone who thinks lesbians have penises is not qualified to work in education.

Biden’s purportedly considering Leslie Fenwick, a former dean of Howard Univ’s School of Education. A Black woman, she’s criticized for-profit charter schools and taxpayer-funded private school vouchers, so she wants to keep public education public and not use tax dollars to subsidize private schools.

@108, “Who works against other members in primaries” Oooooh! You tell her! I do hope AOC loses this particular contest.

@107: Yes, that toxic dump can’t leave anything alone. He has also inserted himself into the Covid relief bill and mucking that up. It’s a pattern. Things are heading in the right direction – The Toxic Waste can’t stand that – inserts himself – hot mess. Drama queens are going to drama queen. It’s what they do. It makes for good Reality TV.

Mb is so right about him. For Trump, helping people causes him pain. Hurting people brings relief from that pain. There’s just people like that. And we thought it was a good idea to elect someone *like that* president. And 74 million people said, “hell yes!”. We want four more years.

But we’re hanging in there. Hanging on by a thread still.

@108 @110 I didn’t know what this was about, so I Googled. Glad to learn that Rice won.

Roz in NJ/NYC

I can’t support anyone for Edu Sec who isn’t all in for public education. Free of religion. I’m saying that even after I, myself, benefited from a private education (academically speaking). When I joined the ranks of public education in the 9th grade, I was a year ahead academically. It was a year wasted – I had already been taught that stuff.

I had an education that the public school rubes could only dream of. I was a master at diagramming sentences, doing algebraic equations, and understanding chemistry.

They all caught up in a year. I was left with nothing but the religious brainwashing. That’s all I really got out of that.

So on these vouchers. No. I don’t want to pay for that.

Hey Roz! Good to see you.

On the AOC topic, I read that New York will be eliminating her district in 2022. It will be interesting to see what she does then. She’ll probably try to primary Schumer.

Here’s another reason Drumpf may be limiting the distribution of the Pfizer vaccine: Moderna is the one that received the funding from Operation Slower Than Molasses.

A bit more on that AOC vote can be found on Axios. I will paste in the link shortly.

I’ve been wondering whether there’s some kind of Moderna money-skimming angle somewhere. :massive eyeroll:

“criticized for-profit charter schools” God, it feels like dog’s years since anybody outside of education (and this blog! 😀 ) understood the damage those money-vacuuming outfits do. Fenwick’s my gal!

AOC seems to have lost her mind. I think there’s value to having leftist voices in government. Shifting Overton windows and all that. But she seems a bit too much of a better-looking Bernie. Uninterested in achievable goals. (Have you heard about the Bernoid threatening to tube the microstimulus bill because he wants a bigger one?)

On wearing masks…

“This thought where everybody is like, ‘Well, it’s my freedom.’ It’s like, that’s not how this shit works, dumba. Here’s your freedom. Your freedom is this: You’re free to smoke until your lungs turn black, but you can’t do it on a bus.”

George Clooney

After Trump, we’re going to have to update the dictionary on the meaning of the word, “hoax.”

New definition:

Hoax: 1) A highly contagious virus that can kill you. 2) A Russian attack on the United States.

@116: Bernie just can’t help himself, can he? He worships at the altar of the perfect being the enemy of the good. Shorter version: he’s an enemy of the good. (which is much different than Pelosi who knows how to play hardball, but in the end, she’s focused on results)

He’s also an attention whore. Nobody really talks about that because he’s so good at selling “I’m all about other people and handing out free candy to kids.” But the old kook loves nothing more than being the center of attention and being on TV. It’s rather Trumpian.

Q 91 I agree with you on Pete.
I can think of a dozen young people that are intelligent and have more experience than doing a mediocre job of running a tiny town.

@121, thx, I hadn’t known SoT was such a recent addition to the Cabinet. The article doesn’t go into their qualifications much but does have links. I hope Pete B will work toward implementing higher energy efficiency policies, including fast-charging stations along intra- and inter-state routes to encourage electrical-vehicle use. Also, there’s critical need for transportation-infrastructure maintenance. Lots of opportunities!

Along with Trump, I applaud Coach Tommy of Alabama in wanting to force a vote in the Senate on whether or not to accept the will of the voters in the Nov election. I don’t want Mitch to be able to slither his way out of this. I want to know – in an up or down vote – which Senators support democracy and which ones don’t. I want that answer tattooed on them. I think we deserve to know.

Does Li’l Tommy really have the balls to do it? I doubt it. He’s just a voteflake. From the Urban Dictionary, a voteflake is “Anyone who protests the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election without any proof or evidence and refuses to recognize Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States of America.” Tommy, the little voteflake, will melt once Mitch smacks him a couple of times.

@122: So maybe every week in the new admin will be infrastructure week? LOL


WASHINGTON — President-elect Joseph R. Biden will nominate Jennifer M. Granholm, a former governor of Michigan and a longtime champion of renewable energy development, to be the next secretary of energy, according to four people close to the president-elect’s transition team.

If confirmed, Ms. Granholm, 61, will be the second woman, after Hazel R. O’Leary, who served under President Bill Clinton, to lead the vast department, which oversees the United States nuclear weapons complex as well as 17 national laboratories and a wide range of energy research and development initiatives.

125 – sorry Luna, I think you wanted your Gov. for this?

I am laughing so hard at Kayleigh McEnany “getting the vapors” over the use of the f-word by Jen O’Malley. And Marco gasping! and clutching his pearls. They have never seen such bad behavior!

@121: Fredster, my money is on you, dog. In this Pete fight. (I did always love Petey from the Little Rascals – I love the name – honest). To be associated with a famous dog is the highest honor. As I’ve said before, I think dogs are better than people. (not trying to be funny)

You won’t hear any more Pete bashing from me.

@128: Oh no fight and I didn’t particularly like him when he was running for Prez. But I’m not sure exactly what particular experience you need or people want for the position. Maybe watching Planes, Trains, & Automobiles three times?

“Maybe watching Planes, Trains, & Automobiles three times?”

LOL! Yes! Which makes me qualified. 🙂

I’m very excited for Granholm to take on that position. She is terrific and is another norm-busting nominee.

I just started my vacation from work,.and California is now on severe Covid lockdown. My timing is wonderful. /sarcasm

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