The Widdershins

Archive for July 29th, 2013

busy guy

Yep, this is about what my day will be like today so please feel free to add your comments to these fine political cartoons I stole gathered from the net.  I’ll be around sometime this afternoon.

Yep, the should have quit while they were ahead.


And sadly the same for here. ↑


And yes I had to add one for the Weiner   🙄


I apologize for the lack of, shall we say “depth” to my post today but Fredster is going to be a busy guy today.  He has to go by the Uhaul place to buy some more moving boxes, some of that bubble wrap stuff (then I have to stop myself from popping the things!), and some other items, then go by Pep Boys to have them look at my vehicle to check some things out and if need be, arrange to get a rental car.  Things will be hectic for a day or two.  Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the political cartoons.

Biden illustration: REBUILD WITH BIDEN

Nice picture of our gal

Madam Vice President

Our President


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Not done yet with you

Friggin Lizard people

You go gurl! h/t Adam Joseph

“The” Book

Only the *best* politicans bought by the NRA

Marching for their lives

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IOW Dumb = Happy?

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