The Widdershins

Archive for December 9th, 2016


Another week has passed and I’m no closer to closure on the election.  Professor Krugman had some suggestions on Twitter.  He opined that anti-intellectuals see the very act of trying to figure out how to solve problems as arrogance.  He also suggested anti-intellectuals see liberal elites as intolerant since liberals refuse to ignore the fanatical prejudice exhibited by anti-intellectuals.

Such highfalutin thinking brings me full-circle to a larger question:  What’s a person to do if half the country despises you for insisting “Real America” is a bit larger than a NASCAR track or a WWE ring, isn’t always found in the sights of a firearm, and becomes increasingly enjoyable as homogeneity decreases?  Put another way, post-factual prejudicial ignorance seems to be a winning political strategy.

Speaking of such folks, around here we dubbed the Tea Party crowd, the “I’ve got mine, sorry about your luck” party.  Finally, people are coming around to understand there is no vestige of the Tea Party remaining just a month after the election of President-Elect Pussy-Grabber.  Everyone from pitchfork wielding Ted Cruz to Jabba the Limbaugh has dug into their bountiful arses to make excuses.

If somebody involved in the tea-party debate of 2009–2010 had predicted the events of 2016, conservatives would have refused to believe it. Hell, even most liberals would have refused to believe it. It’s one thing to suspect tea-party rhetoric was phony, quite another to believe the entire GOP could disregard every single putative principle of the movement even before it had its hands on power. Why is anybody pretending these notions ever really mattered?

That last question is the linchpin of these voters’ tenuous grasp on reality:  Why should anyone pretend that conservatism has any guiding principle whatsoever outside the wresting of political power?

Paul Ryan, the guy who still gets a college boner over a Russian alcoholic atheist, has as much as admitted it.  The Tang-hued groper can steal as much as he wants as long as he wants for the small price of taking health care away from 20 million people and privatizing Medicare and Social Security.  There will be not the first hint of investigation from that pubic-headed Utah heathen who insists Hillary must continue to be investigated and hounded for “emailghaziwhatevergate.”

Of course, so many lefty brotards complain, if Hillary had only talked about the economic plight of the working class whites, we wouldn’t have these problems.  The simplistic heads belching these inane statements wouldn’t even make acceptable doorstops.  For instance:

Famous 1960s photo from Appalachia. The chronic problems didn't start in 2008...

Famous 1960s photo from Appalachia. The chronic problems didn’t start in 2008 with a guy named Obama…

Here is the troubling reality for civic minded liberals looking to justify their preferred strategies: Hillary Clinton talked about the working class, middle class jobs, and the dignity of work constantly.

She detailed plans to help coal miners and steel workers. She had decades of ideas to help parents, particularly working moms, and their children. She had plans to help young men who were getting out of prison and old men who were getting into new careers. She talked about the dignity of manufacturing jobs, the promise of clean-energy jobs, and the Obama administration’s record of creating private-sector jobs for a record-breaking number of consecutive months. She said the word “job” more in the Democratic National Convention speech than Trump did in the RNC acceptance speech; she mentioned the word “jobs” more during the first presidential debate than Trump did. She offered the most comprehensively progressive economic platform of any presidential candidate in history—one specifically tailored to an economy powered by an educated workforce.

So these intellectually bankrupt Trump Chumps voted themselves out of health care with no prospects for sustainable employment.  What does the appointment of millionaires, billionaires, and disrupters portend for these reality adverse, low-information, highly prejudiced voters?  Three quick examples:

First, while the Taiwan phone call engineered by the $20,000/month political man-whore Bob Dole (I hope when I’m 310 years old I won’t have to be wheeled out to perform fellatio on an Orangutan) is fast fading from public consciousness, there’s something literally hidden just beneath the surface.  You see, one of my very first posts here at TW was about the South China Sea as a potential world flashpoint.

proven_and_probable_gas_and_oil_reserves_south_china_seaEven before the Orangeloupe has gold-plated the first urinal in the White House, he has upended a forty-year Foggy Bottom bulwark, our two-China policy.  “Why,” you ask?  Remember the clamorous Yam’s preoccupation with taking Iraqi oil?

Guess what those pesky dinosaurs left throughout the shallow South China Sea?  On the high side, 213 Billion barrels of oil and 500 Trillion cubic feet of natural gas.  Those 6,000 year-old dinosaurs plopped another Persian Gulf right off the coast of China.  Now doesn’t the Taiwan call make a little more sense?  Doesn’t a Exxon-Mobil Secretary of State send a tingle up your gas hose?  Not being able to toss a kangaroo scrotum comb-over without hitting a General seems much more reasonable doesn’t it?

Full employment might well be on its way for all those puritanical “Bernie or busters.”  I hope they know how to swim.

Second, there’s good old Dr. Ben.  Who says, “Let a sleeping neurosurgeon lie?”  Given that he grew up (Development) in a house (Housing) in a city (Urban), does not qualify him to be the Secretary of an agency of 8,000 employees and a budget of $50 Billion.  And contrary to what all the pundits say, “It isn’t because HUD is reserved for an African-American appointment.”

Truth is, Republicans for time ever-lasting have sported a diamond-cutting erection to get their hands on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Obviously, housing policy means very little to the Bannon alt-right brotards, but it means quite a bit to those who want to make some serious cash.  Since old-man Fred Drumpf made a considerable part of his fortune from public housing, don’t think for an instant the enormous graft potential of HUD has gone unnoticed by the Mango Meerkat.uday-and-qusay-trump

Third, and this could be the perfect white-collar crime: Say you are the clodpates Uday and Qusay Trump.  You hear from your orange Papi that a Twitter storm about a company is imminent so it would be a good idea to short the stock.  The perfect crime — who could prove it — especially when the SEC is going to be gutted like last week’s fish.

Twenty-two minutes after the Boeing CEO made a mildly critical statement about Herr Drumpf’s trade policy, the Mango Man-Child went on a Twitter rant.  A lying, fictitious rant, but a rant of retribution nonetheless.  It cost the Boeing shareholders over a half-Billion dollars in equity.  In one day.  One 137 character tweet.  There’s plenty of money to be made in “them-thar” tweets.  Where the Clampetts found black gold, these Trumpets have Twitter.

More examples will surface.  Plenty more opportunities for regret will arise.  Multitudinous tossups between ignorance and criminal intent will confound us.  And we have 70,000 white guys in three states to thank for it.  As H.L. Mencken said, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”  Here’s hoping those 70,000 guys get it, “good and hard.”

What’s on your mind today?


Biden illustration: REBUILD WITH BIDEN

Nice picture of our gal

Madam Vice President

Our President


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